Re: road to gtkmm 2.10

On Wed, 2006-07-05 at 11:10 -0500, Jonathon Jongsma wrote:
> Gtk+ 2.10 is out now, so I thought I'd start a thread on what's needed
> before a 2.10 release of gtkmm.

Great. I'm starting to think about it now too.

As usual, I'd like to stick to the GNOME release schedule
which means API freeze on July 24th and release on September 6th. I'd
only want to release sooner if we are very confident, but there's a lot
of new API and not a lot of people looking at it.

> - Since 2.10 will depend on cairomm for the first time, we need to
> release a stable version of cairomm.  I've been working on getting
> cairomm into shape, but it could always use a few more eyes.  I've
> wrapped the majority of the new API in cairo 1.2 in the last couple of
> days and I'll try to release a snapshot very soon.  If you have any
> feedback on cairomm, feel free to send it to the cairo mailing list
> ( or file a bug against cairomm on
> (

Yeah, it's in quite good shape but there are some TODOs in the code, and
the issue of maybe doing an internal refcount of the Path object, as per
Owen Taylor's suggestion.

> - Are there any new GTK+ API that still need to be wrapped before 2.10
> is released?

Yeah, there's quite a few functions here and there. gmmproc reports them
during the build.

>   I know there's been some effort to wrap the new printing
> stuff and Recent files.

Both of these need working examples. I believe that Markoa is working on
printing examples.

We need to figure out how to do UIManager recent-files sub-menu
integration for an example. Apparently it's possible.

>   Is there anything else that needs to be done?
> - Are there any open bugs that need to be closed before 2.10?

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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