Re: Installing gtk/gtkmm on Linux

On 7/18/06, Mickael Drean <mickael drean gmail com> wrote:
Hi there,

  i'm quite new with Linux programming and i'd like to know what do I need
to do to install Gtk then Gtkmm on Linux (Red Hat) with sources.

 I tried to install GLib 2.10 and it was ok but when i do a "./configure" of
"atk" it says me that i have two version of glib and i have to remove one
but i don't know how to do it ! I searched for a package manager but it
seems i have no one.

  Which dependencies have i to download? I already got :
 - glib-2.10.3.tar.gz
 - gtk+-2.10.0.tar.gz-
 - atk-1.9.0.tar.bz2
 - cairo-1.2.0.tar.gz
 - cairomm-0.6.0.tar.gz
 - pango-1.12.3.tar.gz
 - tiff-3.7.4.tar.gz
 - gtkmm-2.9.7.tar.gz
 - jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz
 - libpng-1.2.8.tar.bz2

 May i wrong?

  Any help?



gtkmm-list mailing list
gtkmm-list gnome org

Which version of redhat are you running?  If it's a relatively recent
one (or Fedora), gtkmm should be available from the distribution
package repository (you can use 'yum' to install things on fedora /
redhat).  I would *strongly* recommend installing the distribution's
pre-built packages instead of trying to install it yourself unless
there's compelling reason that you need to install it from source.
I'm guessing you can install it in redhat with `yum install
gtkmm24-devel` or something similar (the package name might be
slightly different, I'm not a redhat user, but I think that's close).

If you absolutely need to install it from source, I would recommend
using jhbuild as it makes the process much simpler (it should figure
out most of the dependency issues for you, and it installs in a
different prefix so that it doesn't conflict with the version of gtkmm
from your distribution).  Jhbuild normally builds from CVS, but you
can make it build from tarballs as well (for instance, to build the
version of gtkmm that is released with gnome 2.14.2, you can use the
modulesets located here:  For other
releases, just change that version number at the end of that URL.

For a bit more information on using jhbuild, see

Hope that helps.


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