2005-December Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
Creating a GTK Cheat Sheet Poster,
Mikael Olenfalk
popup menu settings on help button,
ibrar ahmed
Glib Installation problem,
dipti sach
Touchpad doesn't work after starting a GTK application.,
Tom Pinkas
Testing your GUI,
Andrew Shafer
is it possible to have a widget act as insensitive but look as it is sensitive?,
Rich text on a GnomeCanvas,
Scott Robert Ladd
Last post,
William D. Tallman
Yet another question,
William D. Tallman
gobject + diacanvas = i really please for help here,
Przemysław Staniszewski
RFC: Program for Possible Tutorial,
Scott Robert Ladd
Printing in win32,
Michael Ott
Mary Christimas,
Everaldo Canuto
cairo support, Postscript?,
Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema
Help with GdkPIxbuf and GtkImage...,
Micah Carrick
the container/table/scrollbar/adjustment problem to end all such problems,
Paul Davis
New to GTK+, please help,
Jun Shen
changing the width of Frames,
Zvi Sebrow
Richard Boaz
cairo support for Postscript/PDF,
Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema
Tiff monchrome memory usage,
David Stevenson
Performance under Citrix & WAN?,
Daniel Kasak
A new spelling world order,
Corey Burger
Notebook and Scrolled windows:,
Alessandro Abrami
How to select an list item without focus,
rion10 (sent by Nabble.com)
Gdk::Window::add_filter() or gdk_window_add_filter() examples,
Igor Gorbounov
g_module_symbol error,
cairo drawing and fonts,
Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema
Announcing LSB Desktop specifications preview release,
Banginwar, Rajesh
gtk-config regarding,
Bala Murugan
gtk_window_set_decorated(x, FALSE),
Egon Andersen
Forgotten graphic with a gtk program,
mistrial libero it
Forgotten graphic with gtk,
mistrial libero it
gtk_object bad signal,
dbasald libero it
Errors on first compile -- base.c,
Robert Steven Meyer
about draw color line or polygon,
question about combo,
To kill a GThread,
Travis Miller
Linking both GTK-1.2 and GTK-2.x libs,
Zoltan Boszormenyi
force configure-event,
control H
GtkComboEntryBox, tabs and focus,
Zvi Sebrow
gtk_timeout_add problem,
ComboBoxText set_editable equivalent,
Greg Schenzel
Find the font of a Widget,
Can't handle events from combobox?,
Diego Zuccato
configure_event not sended,
Flávio Alberto Lopes Soares
upgrading gtk+,
Pango 1.11.1 released,
Matthias Clasen
Warning :*****: When I run GTK Application,
Ramachandra CS
how to add an icon to the item in my list,
rion10 (sent by Nabble.com)
Double buffering while moving in a 'fixed',
Andrew Shafer
Possible problem with gdk_selection_get_owner(),
Mark Leisher
How can I find out the text of an entry in a ComboBox,
(no subject),
Travis Miller
Gtk marshallers,
William D. Tallman
GIOChannel issues,
Travis Miller
GLib 2.9.1 released,
Matthias Clasen
GTK+ 2.8.9 released,
Matthias Clasen
How can I save the pixel of a GdkWindow/GdkWidget to a file?,
Reparent a widget to a GdkDrawable,
How can I find out if a program is already running,
Zoltan Boszormenyi
mplayer in a gtk application,
Igor Gorbounov
Stefano Esposito
gtk and image and memory leak,
Dmitry Met
ibrar ahmed
Win32 API HInstance and gtk+ - how?,
Igor Gorbounov
reference count of textbuffer increases with each paste?,
Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema
lost files,
James Borrone
Susan Jimenez
Announcement: Building new C resource - There is a forum to discuss GTK+ programming,
Eddie Meyer
Problem with compiling on SUSE 10,
Stoyan karanfilov
gtk application without x server?,
Adnan Dosa
g_get_current_time() / win32: UTC instead of local time?,
Felix Kater
gtklist pango stipple,
ashley maher
Q: Suitability of GTK+ for critical embedded application,
Are Leistad
Build problems with gtk+,
Alexander Topolanek
Re: Some basic questions about gtk/gtk+ in embedded system,
edward . robbins
Re: changing text colors in .gtkrc.mine,
Dmitry Konyshev
Re: Icon in a tray - how?,
Keith Sharp
Re: How to add callback to tell owner something,
rion10 (sent by Nabble.com)
Mail converted by MHonArc