2006-April Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[guadec-local] nova trobada per coordinar-se,
gil forcada
[guadec-local] WiFi status,
Quim Gil
[guadec-local] Negociant la wifi,
Quim Gil
[guadec-local] 3 dies a Catalunya,
Quim Gil
[guadec-local] Gnome.cat,
Jordi Mas
[guadec-local] Buenas!,
Carlos Fenollosa
[guadec-local] [Fwd: [guadec-list] Defining staff and volunteers accommodation],
Quim Gil
[guadec-local] Activitats complementàries a Vilanova,
"Blanes Meléndez, Núria"
[guadec-local] [Fwd: Vilanova Presentation Video],
Quim Gil
[guadec-local] Sobre les sessions en català,
Lluis Sanchez
[guadec-local] Transporte desde el aeropuerto a Vilanova,
"Juan J. Marin Martínez"
[guadec-local] Propuesta de organisación de los volontarios,
Ludovic Danigo
[guadec-local] Sessions en català,
Quim Gil
[Fwd: Re: [guadec-local] Wifi],
Ramon Navarro Bosch
[guadec-local] [Fwd: Re: [guadec-list] The bags],
Quim Gil
[guadec-local] Wifi,
Ramon Navarro Bosch
[guadec-local] Crear una galeria para las fotos,
Ludovic Danigo
[guadec-local] trobada del 8 d'abril (resum),
gil forcada
[guadec-local] GUADEC 2006 Team,
Quim Gil
[guadec-local] Encuentro en Vilanova,
Ludovic Danigo
[guadec-local] Impremta,
Quim Gil
[guadec-local] Guardarroba,
Quim Gil
[guadec-local] logo de guifi.net,
gil forcada
[Fwd: Re: [guadec-local] Encuentro del 08 de abril],
Quim Gil
[guadec-local] Encuentro del 08 de abril,
Ludovic Danigo
Re: [guadec-local] Reunió dels grups locals per a la GUADEC 2006 a Vilanova i la Geltrú,
Quim Gil
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