[guadec-local] GUADEC 2006 Team

(Perdoneu però no em dóna temps de traduir-ho avui)


This is an attempt to reflect which people is doing what. Surely I've
missed someone. Please tell me and you will be added.

There are lots of WE NEED YOU and the tasks with people allocated need
in fact more help in most cases. It is clear then that WE NEED YOU.

However, the previous times we have done a call there has been a
satisfactory wave of responses but... then something went wrong
(possibly on our side) and very few people ended up doing some real work
and assuming a real responsibility.

GUADEC 2006 is happening in 10 weeks. Only. We need volunteers able to
assume one responsibility and lead it, or able to be lead and assigned
specific tasks. Please tell us your preferences and we will find a place
for you.  

Quim Gil /// http://desdeamericaconamor.org | http://guadec.org

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