2008-March Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[xml] win32 getaddrinfo,
Michael Stahl
[xml] A few question about parsing content,
Julien Chaffraix
[xml] A leak in XmlTextReader?,
Micha Renner
[xml] Query regarding re-using parser context for SAX parsing,
[xml] xmlDocDump will lost some part,
Re: [xml] Improper Type Returned For Repeated Attribute Declaration,
Daniel Veillard
Re: [xml] Incorrect Callback invocation in externalSubsetSplit function,
Daniel Veillard
Re: [xml] file path vs URI [patch],
Daniel Veillard
Re: [xml] Query regarding IDcs in schema validation,
Daniel Veillard
Re: [xml] Incorrect Behaviour of xmlSchemaValidateStream,
Daniel Veillard
Re: [xml] xmlTextReaderGetAttributeNs shows incorrect behaviour,
Daniel Veillard
[xml] How to use a schemas without targetNamespace in catalog?,
Liu Xuewu
[xml] Why some XHTML related tests fail with HTTP support disabled?,
Leonid Romanov
[xml] Updated port to Symbian OS (using Posix layer),
Turunen Tuukka
[xml] Query about xmlNewReference,
[xml] Some more fixes for threads.c,
[xml] Regarding Malloc Failure Handling,
[xml] Fixes in threads.c,
[xml] Normalization Query,
Re: [xml] DOM Base URI (xml:base, RFC 2396),
Daniel O'Connor
[xml] Trivial patch for Repeated Validations in Reader.c,
[xml] XPath with SAX,
Frantisek ZACEK
[xml] Parameter-Entity in CDATA block not getting replaced,
Re: [xml] XML Schema crash in W3C test suite,
Daniel Veillard
Re: [xml] Patch to improve HTMLparser's robustness,
Daniel Veillard
bharath s
[xml] docuemnt() function cache in libxslt,
Benjamin Habegger
[xml] xpathEval namespace axis corruption/segfault,
Martin (gzlist)
[xml] Attr Value Normalization Problem,
[xml] validating xmld:dsig schema with a large size serial number,
Jean-Marc Desperrier
[xml] parsing soap..,
Subramanian S
[xml] Duplicate PI nodes issue,
Alistair Leslie-Hughes
[xml] timeouts when fetching URLs at a port other than :80,
Brian Tingle
[xml] indentation after adding new nodes,
Senthil Nathan
[xml] Wrong Behaviour Due to Fix to Bug #440159,
[xml] Win32 bug,
Jens Oknelid
Re: [xml] Regular Expression Problem,
[xml] xmlGetNodePath and default namespaces,
Andrew Jackson
[xml] empty CDATA sections,
Darin Adler
[xml] condition in xpath code,
[xml] Recall: Function signature problem in schema,
[xml] Function signature problem in schema,
[xml] Default-Attr Value Normalization Problem,
[xml] ignore undefined entity references while parsing?,
Hans Martin
[xml] get contents literally (or strip outer element tags)?,
Hans Martin
Re: [xml] Timeout of external xslt document request,
Rob Richards
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