2011-April Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Vala] [PATCH]: Vte vapi: Vte.Terminal.fork_command_full some arguments can be nullable,
Jacques-Pascal Deplaix
[Vala] [PATCH]: Update Gdk vapi files,
Jacques-Pascal Deplaix
[Vala] Remove line numbers from logging,
Ricardo Gladwell
[Vala] Cross compiling vala gtk to win32,
Martin Leibner
[Vala] The state of closures,
Sam Liddicott
[Vala] Calling cogl_path_new from vala,
Pavel Stupnikov
[Vala] Unowned references to structures,
David Given
[Vala] Vapi delegate problems.,
Lewis Gunsch
[Vala] Structure initialisation syntax,
David Given
[Vala] Fwd: Vala and Curses,
[Vala] Custom array free functions,
David Given
[Vala] Oddity when using generics with boxed values,
David Given
[Vala] how to register new glib type without creating an instance?,
Nor Jaidi Tuah
[Vala] Custom Sqlite Aggregate function..,
Shawn Ferris
[Vala] Support for custom attribute introspection/reflection?,
Ricardo Gladwell
[Vala] Qt/C++ and Vala interoperability,
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
[Vala] [ANNOUNCE] Spek 0.7,
Alexander Kojevnikov
[Vala] Valadoc.org or Gnome's Vala/Documentation,
Joseph Montanez
[Vala] Vala and Curses,
Timothy Sassone
[Vala] using __doc__ for partial sequential test?,
san hoi
[Vala] How can I sort an array of strings?,
K. König
[Vala] invocation not supported in this context,
Nor Jaidi Tuah
[Vala] Vala volatile (C memory model & freedom to define types),
Maciej Marcin Piechotka
[Vala] Template languages?,
Joseph Montanez
[Vala] accessing __FILE__ and __LINE__,
[Vala] Need Help with GLib.OptionEntry,
K. König
[Vala] Segfault when using a signal which takes a delegate as parameter: Known issue?,
Alexander Kurtz
[Vala] Detect terminated socket connection,
Gilzad Barvar Hamuni
[Vala] Vala posix profile,
[Vala] Life time of args passsed to async methods,
Nor Jaidi Tuah
[Vala] extern function prototype gets rearranged,
Sam Thursfield
[Vala] Invalid assignment from owned expression to unowned variable,
Joseph Montanez
[Vala] LibSoup set_response with binary data?,
Joseph Montanez
[Vala] How can I download the Vala sources securely?,
Alexander Kurtz
[Vala] Is ArrayList.iterator reentrant?,
Nor Jaidi Tuah
[Vala] [newbie][vala] file_info.get_file_type() is always UNKNOWN,
Charles Hixson
[Vala] [vala][newbie] file_info.get_file_type,
Charles Hixson
Re: [Vala] vala-list Digest, Vol 41, Issue 11,
Dai Derek
[Vala] [PATCH] x11: Add XTest bindings,
Alexander Kurtz
[Vala] gstreamer element,
Jordi Burguet Castell
[Vala] Use of Gtk.Builder.connect_signals() on object instance,
lubiluk gmail com
[Vala] Gtk.Entry issue,
Asim Liaquat
[Vala] [PATCH] x11: add several type definitions from X.h,
Alexander Kurtz
[Vala] generate deps file without first knowing dependencies?,
Jon Rosebaugh
Re: [Vala] Problem creating a Source subclass with closures,
[Vala] 'out' directive works improperly,
Xu Ming
[Vala] [PATCH] fix double free in x11.vapi,
Alexander Kurtz
[Vala] [PATCH] Implement alias functionality for 'using' directive,
Jim Peters
[Vala] [ANNOUNCE] Vala 0.12.0 - Compiler for the GObject type system,
Jürg Billeter
[Vala] how can I get the number of unicode points in a string?,
[Vala] this is a test,
[Vala] 'using' importing too many symbols,
Jim Peters
[Vala] valac can read a typelib in place of a vapi binding,
Adam Dingle
Re: [Vala] [PATCH] add missing XStringToKeysym() function to x11.vapi,
Alexander Kurtz
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