Re: [Vala] Invalid assignment from owned expression to unowned variable


1)  msg = (owned) msg;
    Results in "No reference to be transferred"

    As to why I am using "out" is because when I was changing the
"msg.response_headers" and the changes where not being reflected back
when I was finished using msg.

2)  public string get_session_id (unowned Soup.Message msg)
    Results in "error: syntax error, `new' modifier not allowed on
creation method"
    This tries to initialize the variable msg

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 10:36 AM, Abderrahim Kitouni
<a kitouni gmail com> wrote:

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 6:45 PM, Joseph Montanez
<jmontanez gorilla3d com> wrote:
I got it, I needed

public void dostuff (out unowned Soup.Message msg)

and then I could do:
dostuff(out msg);

No you shouldn't. You probably need to transfer ownership as in:

public void dostuff (out unowned Soup.Message msg) {
       msg = (owned) ...;

btw, why using an out argument? If you need to return only one value,
it'd be easier to use a return value instead.

                في ج، 15-04-2011 عند 10:18 -0700 ، كتب Joseph Montanez:
Actually when I access anything from "msg", it just segment faults :(

What's this? Why do you think you need 'out' here? You should simply
remove the 'out' keyword (and 'unowned' as well, since it would be
unowned by default).


Joseph Montanez
Web Developer
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