Re: [Vala] LibSoup set_response with binary data?

On Wednesday 13 April 2011 18:56:15 Joseph Montanez wrote:

I am having issues send binary data via libsoup server. When I read
the file, it has the correct byte length, but its getting cut off when
I send it through libsoup. I tried escaping the string as well as
flatten () on the message body, mainly setting the message body, but
it results in the same output.

Maybe having a look on how it's done in Meiga could give you some ideas. I'm 
serving binary files with it without problems, but I use void* buffers read 
with the Posix API (tweaked by me) and a slightly more complex iterated output 
using ServerContext:

Note that this code is made to compile in Vala 0.8.1. I don't know what would 
happen if it's compiled with a more recent Vala version.

Enrique Ocaña

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