Re: [Vala] [PATCH] Implement alias functionality for 'using' directive

On Sun, 2011-04-03 at 18:16 -0500, Jim Peters wrote:
Jim Peters wrote:
Required to disambiguate symbol references in case of matches from
multiple 'using' statements.

I've implemented the alias functionality missing from 'using'.  It
took 3 tries before I found a way that worked and didn't upset the
existing code too much.

As Vala tries to follow C#, I've done it the C# way.  According to the
C# language spec 9.3.2, an alias can be used to disambiguate the case
which at the moment gives an "ambiguous reference" error.

I've added error messages that suggest the using directives that the
user can insert to resolve the issue.

This sounds great. I'll review the patch as soon as possible, but it
might make sense to attach it to a bug report in Bugzilla so that it
doesn't get lost in the mail. Hopefully, I'll soon have some time for
patch review in general.


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