2008-November Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[xml] Calvin and Hobbes,
Evrim Kocer
[xml] Broken link on http://www.xmlsoft.org/example.html,
Simon Heffer
[xml] Small implementation of Element Traversal DOM,
Daniel Veillard
[xml] document order,
jojo modjo
[xml] order of xml nodes on the same depth,
jojo modjo
[xml] Regression Testing Questions - Starting over,
Rush Manbert
[xml] xpointer error,
[xml] Windows problem,
Jean-Claude Moissinac
[xml] Change default namespace to prefixed namespace,
[xml] Regression test questions,
Rush Manbert
[xml] XPath 2, XSLT 2,
Steve Ball
[xml] Heap Memory exhausts,
Rabi Narayan Sahoo
[xml] Feature requests,
Lucas Moauro
[xml] Schema validation with processContents=strict, multiple schemata,
Heiko Klein
[xml] xml output streaming and c14n,
Prashant R
[xml] build 64-bit libxml2 library on Solaris 10,
Zhuo Yang
[xml] CVE-2008-4226 and CVE-2008-4225.,
f rom
[xml] Redhat security update for libxml2,
Graham Bennett
[xml] XML beginner's question,
Andrew M.
[xml] Problem with MSYS and MINGW: undefined reference to _imp__xmlFree,
Friedrich Beckmann
[xml] XPath 2, XSLT 2 Progress and Announcement,
Steve Ball
[xml] Entity problem,
Guo Tao
[xml] elfgcchack.h vs -Bsymbolic,
Mike Hommey
[xml] xmlCharEncodingOutputFunc returns different values in solaris 8 and solaris 10,
James Liu
[xml] xmlTextReaderPreservePattern & XPATH,
[xml] xmlReadMemory : error "Extra content at the end of the document",
Andrew Hartley
[xml] errors management,
Francesco Gennai
[xml] xmlList deallocator callback,
Tony Hanratty
[xml] xsltproc Error: I/O error : Attempt to load network entity http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/xhtml/docbook.xsl,
Ben Aurel
[xml] Fwd: [lxml-dev] lxml RelaxNG validation on hand-built documents,
Stefan Behnel
Re: [xml] [Proposal] How about write a book for LibXML2?,
Daniel Veillard
- Re: [xml] [Proposal] How about write a book for LibXML2?,
Elvis Stansvik
- Re: [xml] [Proposal] How about write a book for LibXML2?,
Elvis Stansvik
- Re: [xml] [Proposal] How about write a book for LibXML2?,
Jack Schwartz
- Re: [xml] [Proposal] How about write a book for LibXML2?,
Elvis Stansvik
- Re: [xml] [Proposal] How about write a book for LibXML2?,
Elvis Stansvik
- Re: [xml] [Proposal] How about write a book for LibXML2?,
Callum Gibson
- Re: [xml] [Proposal] How about write a book for LibXML2?,
Elvis Stansvik
- Re: [xml] [Proposal] How about write a book for LibXML2?,
Hannes Magnusson
- Re: [xml] [Proposal] How about write a book for LibXML2?,
Elvis Stansvik
- Re: [xml] [Proposal] How about write a book for LibXML2?,
Elvis Stansvik
- Re: [xml] [Proposal] How about write a book for LibXML2?,
Daniel Veillard
- Re: [xml] [Proposal] How about write a book for LibXML2?,
Elvis Stansvik
- Re: [xml] [Proposal] How about write a book for LibXML2?,
Elvis Stansvik
- Re: [xml] [Proposal] How about write a book for LibXML2?,
Daniel Veillard
[xml] DOM vs xmlReader,
Prashant R
[xml] xmlNodePtr valid after its document has been modified?,
Martin Trappel
[xml] Making Sure Output is XML safe,
Danie van der Walt
[xml] Regarding Schema Chameleon include,
[xml] xmlReadFile/xmlReadMemory - Performance or Concurrency problem,
Martin Trappel
[xml] [PATCH] fix xmllint when built without HTML support,
Matthias Kaehlcke
Re: [xml] Modules support for win32,
Roumen Petrov
Re: [xml] [PATCH] Build shared library on Win32,
Roumen Petrov
[xml] multiple xsl:output declarations don't allow unsetting doctype-*,
Peter Pawlowski
[xml] Alternative documentation for libxml2?,
Jeenu V
[xml] Regarding Schema Validation,
[xml] problem using xmlTextReaderName ?,
Francesco Gennai
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