2008-June Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Vala] Small syntax request labeled loops,
Dov Grobgeld
[Vala] True vala introspection,
Sam Liddicott
[Vala] property overrides need to be declared public?,
Michael Lawrence
[Vala] [ANNOUNCE] Vala 0.3.4 - Compiler for the GObject type system,
Jürg Billeter
Re: [Vala] ubuntu hardy vala repository,
Sam Liddicott
[Vala] inherited method attributes: instancepos inconsistencies,
Sam Liddicott
Re: [Vala] gtk widget bindings complete,
Sam Liddicott
[Vala] delegates with exceptions,
Christian Hergert
[Vala] widget bindings complete,
Sam Liddicott
[Vala] Verbatim strings containing """,
Sam Liddicott
[Vala] gross string literals,
Sam Liddicott
[Vala] static const arrays,
Sam Liddicott
[Vala] incomplete type error:,
Sam Liddicott
[Vala] structs unions and types,
Sam Liddicott
[Vala] Within-project inheritance,
Sam Liddicott
[Vala] OpenGL and gtkglext Bindings!!!,
Matías De la Puente
[Vala] Functions in Vala,
Кутейников Дмитрий
[Vala] widget bindings take 2,
Sam Liddicott
[Vala] glade widget bindings,
Sam Liddicott
[Vala] GSL and OpenGL Binding,
Matías De la Puente
[Vala] generic methods,
Christian Hergert
[Vala] Connecting widgets delphi style,
Sam Liddicott
[Vala] timers with callbacks,
Sam Liddicott
[Vala] Monodevelop Support,
Kevin Kubasik
[Vala] [patch] Improve IN operator,
Jamie McCracken
[Vala] glade, symbol not found.,
Sam Liddicott
[Vala] about Soup.URI.encode,
Victor Manuel Jáquez Leal
[Vala] GSL Binding updated!!!,
Matías De la Puente
[Vala] non-null checking and g(s)lists,
Michael Lawrence
[Vala] Canvas for printshop like program.,
George Farris
[Vala] const pointers,
Michael Lawrence
[Vala] readline from a FileStream?,
Dov Grobgeld
[Vala] overload tricks,
Martin (OPENGeoMap)
[Vala] [Patch] mingw32-gcc support,
pathompol suebpradist
[Vala] Code generation bugs,
David Given
[Vala] How use the vala parser with/instead ctags?,
[Vala] Array slicing?,
Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen
[Vala] Problem with notifications,
Maciej Piechotka
[Vala] Resizable array in Vala,
Maciej Piechotka
[Vala] [ANNOUNCE] Vala 0.3.3 - Compiler for the GObject type system,
Jürg Billeter
[Vala] """Verbatim strings""" vs. "string" "literal" "concatenation",
[Vala] Class definitions,
Stephen Henry
[Vala] Usage of Static classes,
Sudharshan S
[Vala] How to keep an object alive if it's going out of scope,
Jaap A. Haitsma
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