Re: [Vala] readline from a FileStream?

Dov Grobgeld schrieb:
In my efforts to of making sure that I can do simple constructs with the language I tried to read a file line by line.

Use GIO instead, it's part of the GLib namespace. () will give you a FileInputStream which you can decorate as
a DataInputStream, then you can read line by line.


File my_file = File.new_for_path ("");

DataInputStream in_stream;

try {
        in_stream = new DataInputStream ( (null));
        string line;
        while (null != (line = in_stream.read_line (null, null))) {
                print (line);
} catch (Error e) {
        critical (e.message);
} finally {
        in_stream.close (null);


You will have to compile with "--pkg gio-2.0". Currently you will get
some warnings about nullable parameters, since they aren't marked yet in the vapi bindings, which you can safely ignore.


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