2008-September Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
Muine 0.8.10 Release,
Luis Medinas
Nemiver release 0.6.3 now available,
Dodji Seketeli
GnuCash 2.2.7 Released,
Andreas =?ISO-8859-1?Q?K=F6hler?=
Evolution 2.24 released,
Srinivasa Ragavan
cairo release 1.8.0 now available,
Carl Worth
[ANNOUNCE] Clutter 0.8.2 (core) - Stable release,
Emmanuele Bassi
Celebrating the release of GNOME 2.24!,
Vincent Untz
[ANNOUNCE] Ekiga 3.00 aka "The Scheherazade release" available,
Damien Sandras
GTK+ 2.14.3 released,
Matthias Clasen
Epiphany released,
Reinout van Schouwen
Announce: GNOME Media,
gnome-settings-daemon 2.24.0 released,
Rodrigo Moya
ANNOUNCE: GOK 2.24.0 released,
Gerd Kohlberger
Announce: GNOME Media 2.24.0,
Eye of GNOME 2.24.0,
Felix Riemann
ANNOUNCE: Banshee 1.3.1,
Aaron Bockover
GNOME Power Manager 2.24.0,
Richard Hughes
ANNOUNCE F-Spot Bugfix release,
Stephane Delcroix
Deskbar-Applet 2.24.0 released,
libgnomekdb 2.24.0,
Sergey Udaltsov
gthumb 2.10.10 released,
Paolo Bacchilega
ANNOUNCE: Cheese 2.24.0 released,
daniel g. siegel
Announcing Orca v2.24.0,
Willie Walker
Announce: mousetweaks 2.24.0,
Francesco Fumanti
Accerciser 1.4.0 Released!,
Eitan Isaacson
File Roller 2.24.0 released,
Paolo Bacchilega
gtk-engines 2.16.0,
Benjamin Berg
Devhelp 0.21 released,
Richard Hult
Metacity 2.24.0 released,
Thomas Thurman
Yelp 2.24.0 Released,
Don Scorgie
ANNOUNCE: Tomboy 0.12.0 Released (Stable Release for GNOME 2.24),
Sandy Armstrong
ANNOUNCE: Empathy 2.24.0,
Xavier Claessens
anjuta, gdl and gnome-build 2.24.0 released!,
Johannes Schmid
fast-user-switch-applet 2.24.0 released,
Thomas Thurman
[ANNOUNCE] GNOME Utilities 2.24.0 - "Tip-toe",
Emmanuele Bassi
ANNOUNCE: Gcalctool 5.23.5,
Robert Ancell
bug-buddy 2.24.0 released,
Cosimo Cecchi
[REMINDER] GTK+ Team Meeting - September 23rd,
Emmanuele Bassi
pessulus 2.24.0,
Rob Bradford
ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.14.0,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: atk 1.24.0,
Li Yuan
ANNOUNCE: at-spi 1.24.0,
Li Yuan
gnome-applets 2.24.0,
Callum McKenzie
Gnome Games 2.24.0,
Jason D. Clinton
ANNOUNCE: glibmm 2.18.0 released,
Jonathon Jongsma
[ANNOUNCE] PyGoocanvas 0.12.0,
Gian Mario Tagliaretti
ANNOUNCEMENT: seahorse-plugins 2.24.0,
ANNOUNCEMENT: seahorse 2.24.0,
ANNOUNCEMENT: gnome-keyring 2.24.0,
ANNOUNCE: Gtk2-Perl 2.24.0,
Torsten Schoenfeld
cairo snapshot 1.7.6 now available,
Carl Worth
F-Spot 0.4.5 is out !!!,
Stephane Delcroix
GTK+ 2.14.2 released,
Matthias Clasen
GLib 2.18.1 released,
Matthias Clasen
Sawfish experimental 1.3.4 released,
Janek Kozicki
New Libgda V3.99.4,
Vivien Malerba
GARNOME 2.23.92 -- "Handle with Care!",
Karsten =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Br=E4ckelmann?=
Brasero 0.8.2,
Luis Medinas
ANNOUNCE: gnome-main-menu 0.9.11 release,
Scott Reeves
GTK+ 2.12.12 released,
Matthias Clasen
GLib 2.16.6 released,
Matthias Clasen
GParted 0.3.9 Released,
Curtis Gedak
ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.13.8,
Murray Cumming
GNOME 2.24.0 Release Candidate (2.23.92) Released!,
Vincent Untz
gnome-applets 2.23.92,
Callum McKenzie
ANNOUNCE: Manju Project,
Tim Janik
metacity 2.23.610,
Thomas Thurman
ANNOUNCE: Empathy 2.23.92,
Xavier Claessens
Announce: GVFS,
Bastien Nocera
Announce: GVFS 0.99.7,
Hans Petter Jansson
[REMINDER] GTK+ Team Meeting - September 9th,
Matthias Clasen
ANNOUNCE: Cheese 2.23.92 released,
daniel g. siegel
gnome-games 2.23.92 released,
Thomas H.P. Andersen
Eye of GNOME 2.23.92,
Claudio Saavedra
Deskbar-Applet 2.23.92 released,
Accerciser 1.3.92 Released,
Eitan Isaacson
Announce: GNOME Media 2.23.92 "The Dudes of Anjou",
Devhelp 0.20 released,
Richard Hult
File Roller 2.23.92 released,
Paolo Bacchilega
Announcing Orca v2.23.92,
Willie Walker
gnoMint 0.5.3 released,
Announce: mousetweaks 2.23.92,
Francesco Fumanti
[ANNOUNCE] GNOME Utilities 2.23.92 - "Apology Song",
Emmanuele Bassi
ANNOUNCE: at-spi 1.23.92,
Li Yuan
Swfdec 0.8.0 is out,
Benjamin Otte
gnome-settings-daemon 2.23.92 released,
Rodrigo Moya
Fantasdic 1.0-beta6 released,
Mathieu Blondel
ANNOUNCEMENT: seahorse-plugins 2.23.92,
ANNOUNCEMENT: seahorse 2.23.92,
ANNOUNCEMENT: gnome-keyring 2.23.92,
ANNOUNCE: Gtk2-Perl 2.23.92,
Torsten Schoenfeld
netspeed 0.15,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=F6rgen?= Scheibengruber
ANNOUNCE: gcalctool v5.23.92,
Rich Burridge
libxklavier 3.7,
Sergey Udaltsov
ANNOUNCE: gbrainy 1.00 released,
Jordi Mas
ANNOUNCE: glibmm 2.17.3 released,
Jonathon Jongsma
GTK+ 2.14.1,
Matthias Clasen
gnome-applets 2.23.91,
Callum McKenzie
Wordtip 0.1,
Marko Anastasov
GTK+ 2.14.0 released,
Matthias Clasen
libgnomekbd 2.23.91,
Sergey Udaltsov
GNOME Power Manager has branched for 2.24,
Richard Hughes
Epiphany Extensions 2.23.91,
Diego Escalante Urrelo
GNOME 2.24.0 Beta 2 (2.23.91) Released!,
Vincent Untz
GDM 2.20.8 (stable), the "Big Jones" Release,
Brian Cameron
ANNOUNCEMENT: seahorse-plugins 2.23.91,
ANNOUNCEMENT: seahorse 2.23.91,
ANNOUNCEMENT: gnome-keyring 2.23.91,
metacity 2.23.377,
Thomas Thurman
[pygtk] ANNOUNCE: PyGObject 2.15.4,
Johan Dahlin
GLib 2.18 released,
Matthias Clasen
Metacity 2.23.233 released,
Thomas Thurman
[ANNOUNCE] Ekiga 2.9.90 aka Ekiga 3.00 BETA1 released !,
Damien Sandras
Announce: GVFS 0.99.6,
Hans Petter Jansson
gtk-engines 2.15.4 [unstable],
Benjamin Berg
Eye of GNOME 2.23.91,
Claudio Saavedra
Announce: Anjuta DevStudio 2.23.91 Cyclone (unstable) released,
Naba Kumar
Deskbar-Applet 2.23.91 released,
Gnome Games 2.23.91,
Jason D. Clinton
Accerciser 1.3.91 Released,
Eitan Isaacson
Announce: GNOME Media 2.23.91"Purloined Letter",
Capuchin 0.3.2 released,
Rarian 0.8.1 released,
Don Scorgie
File Roller 2.23.91 released,
Paolo Bacchilega
Yelp 2.23.91 released,
Don Scorgie
ANNOUNCE: Cheese 2.23.91 released,
daniel g. siegel
Announcing Orca v2.23.91,
Willie Walker
Announce: mousetweaks 2.23.91,
Francesco Fumanti
gnoMint 0.5.2 released,
ANNOUNCE: at-spi 1.23.91,
Li Yuan
gnome-settings-daemon 2.23.91 released,
Rodrigo Moya
ANNOUNCE: gcalctool v5.23.91,
Rich Burridge
GNOME Power Manager 2.23.91,
Richard Hughes
Announcing gnome-mag 0.15.3,
Willie Walker
GObject-Introspection 0.5.0,
Johan Dahlin
ANNOUNCE: Empathy 2.23.91,
Xavier Claessens
Metacity 2.25.1 released,
Thomas Thurman
Mail converted by MHonArc