ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.14.0

Note: This is your absolute last chance to find problems in the new API before 
the stable gtkmm 2.14.0 release.

*** gtkmm 2.14:

gtkmm 2.14 wraps new API in GTK+ 2.14. It is API/ABI-stable 
gtkmm 2.14 is API/ABI-compatibile with gtkmm 2.12, 2.10, 
2.8, 2.6 and 2.4. It is a version of the gtkmm-2.4 API.

gtkmm stays in-sync with GTK+ by following the official GNOME release schedule:

Bindings for the rest of the GNOME Platform are also available, and are also 

*** Changes since gtkmm 2.12:

* Color
  - Added to_string().
  - Deprecated the non-const operator bool()s and added a const version.
* Drawable: Added a const override of get_size() and deprecated the non-const 
  Bug #467539 (Bobby DaSilva).
* PixbufAnimationIter: Added get_pixbuf(), get_delay_time(), advance(), 
  (Murray Cumming). Bug #528037 (Balazs Tirpak).


* Action, RadioAction, ToggleAction: Added create_with_icon_name() functions,
  allowing IconTheme icon names to be used instead of stock IDs.
  (Christian Hammond) Bug #437041.
* Action: Added the icon_name, visible_overflown, and  action_group properties.
* AccelGroup: Added get_is_locked() and  get_modifier_mask().
* Adjustment, StatusIcon: Reimplement some get_*() functions with 
  new C functions instead of direct struct access.
  (Murray Cumming)
* Bin: add_label(): Correct the order of parameters to the Label constructor.
  (Peter Wainright) Bug #534685.
* Calendar: Added set_detail_func(), set_detail_width_chars(), 
  set_detail_height_rows(), get_detail_width_chars(), and 
  get_detail_height_rows(), and these properties.
* CellRendererPixbuf: Added gicon property.
* Clipboard: Added request_uris(), wait_for_uris(), 
* Entry:
  - Added get/set_overwrite_mode().
  - Added overwrite_mode and text_length properties.
  - Reimplemented get_text_length() with the new accessor 
  (Murray Cumming)
  - Added the shadow_type property (added to GTK+ in 2.12).
  (Gennaro Bellizio) Bug #532744.
* EntryCompletion:
  - Added set_popup_single_match(), deprecating the wrongly-named 
    Bug #473750 (Kevin Daughtridge).
  - Added a const version of get_text_column() and deprecated the 
    non-const version.
* Dialog: Reimplemented get_action_area() and 
  get_content_area() with the new accessor functions.
* HandleBox: Reimplemented is_child_detached() with 
* IconInfo: Added IconInfo(icon_theme, pixbuf) constructor
* IconInfo, IconTheme, AttrList: Deprecated the non-const 
  operator bool()s and added const versions.
* Image: Added a set() overload that takes a Gio::Icon.
  Added get_gicon() and gicon property.
* Layout: Reimplemented get_bin_window() with the new accessor 
* Builder: Added versions of create_from_file(), 
  create_from_string(), add_from_file(), and add_from_string() 
  that take an ID or array of IDs, to allow building of only a part of 
  the file, as was already possible with libglade.
* CellRendererCombo: Wrapped the changed signal.
* ComboBox: Added get/set_button_sensitivity().
* ComboBoxEntry: Added get_active_text().
* FileChooser:
  - Added set_file(), select_file(), unselect_file(), 
  taking a Gio::File. Added get_files(), set_current_folder_file(), 
  get_current_folder_file(), get_file(), gtk_file_chooser_get_file()
  get_file(), get_preview_file().
  (Murray Cumming)
  - get_preview_widget(): Avoid an endless loop.
  Bug #543288 (Jens Georg)
* LinkButton: Added get/set_visited() and the property.
* Menu: Added get_accel_path() and get_monitor() and many 
  new properties.
* MenuItem: Added get_accel_path(). 
  Added right-justified and submenu properties.
* MessageDialog: Added get_image().
* Printer:
  - Added is_paused() and is_accepting_jobs().
  - Added get_default_page_size().
* PageSetup:
  - Added copy(), wrapping gtk_page_setup_copy().
  - Added const version of save_to_key_file() and deprecated the non-const one.
  - Added load_from_file() and  load_from_key_file().
  Added create_from_file() and create_from_key_file()
* Plug: Added get_embedded() and get_socket_window().
  Added embedded and socket_window properties.
* PrintSettings:
  - Added load_from_file() and 
  load_from_key_file(). Added create_from_file() and 
  - Added copy(), wrapping gtk_print_settings_copy().
  - Added const version of save_to_key_file() and deprecated the non-const one.
  - Added get/set_number_up_layout(), using the 
  new NumberUpLayout enum.
  (Murray Cumming)
* RecentInfo: Added a specialization for
  Glib::Value<Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::RecentInfo> > so that
  Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::RecentInfo> can be used with Glib::Value<> and
  (Armin Burgmeier)
* ScaleButton: Added set/get_orientation(), 
  get_plus_button(), get_minus_button(), get_popup().
  Added orientation property.
* SelectionData:
  - Reimplemented get_data(), get_data_type(), 
  get_format(), and get_display() with the new accessor functions.
  - Changed get_data() to not return a length too,
  and added get_length(), as it was in gtkmm 2.12, to match latest GTK+.
* StatusIcon: Added set() taking a Gio::Icon. Added get_icon() 
  and gicon property. Added constructor taking a Gio::Icon.
* ScaleButton: Added set/get_orientation(), 
  get_plus_button(), get_minus_button(), get_popup().
  Added orientation property.
* Settings: Added many properties.
* Socket: Added get_plug_window().
* StatusIcon: Added get_x11_window_id().
* StockID: Added operator bool().
* TreeView: set_headers_visible(): Added default parameter value.
* ToolItem: Added toolbar_reconfigured().
* Added the ToolShell interface, though it is not used yet, 
  to avoid breaking ABI.
* Tooltip: Added set_icon_from_icon_name().
* TreeViewColumn: Added get_tree_view().
  Deprecated the existing cell_get_size() and added another, 
  because the cell_area parameter has changed to a const in 
* Widget: Added damage_event signal.
  - Added window property.
  - Added get_snapshot().
  - Reimplemented get_allocation() and get_window() with the new C 
  accessor functions instead of direct struct field access.
  - Added the drag_failed signal, with no default signal handler.
  - drag_data_get(): Deprecated the current version and added a version 
  that takes a const Glib::ustring& for the target.
  - Added the grab_broken_event signal 
    (with no_default_handler, to preserve ABI).
    Bug #473465 (Balazs Scheidler).
  - Added the popup_menu signal, now that we know that it is public API.
    (with no_default_handler, to preserve ABI).
    Bug #304103 (Philip Langdale). 
  (Murray Cumming)
  - get_direction():  Add a const version and deprecated the non-const 
  (Andreas Klaedtke) Bug #526742.
* Window: Added unset_back_pixmap().
  (Murray Cumming). Bug #525967 (Jonathon Jongsma).
* Windows build fixes.
  (Armin Burgmeier, Jens Georg)
* pangomm is now in its own tarball.
  (Murray Cumming)
* Removed the tutorial and examples. They are now in the gtkmm-documentation 

*** Development 

There is active discussion on the mailing list:
and in the #c++ channel on

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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