2001-March Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
Gnoetry 0.1 released,
Jon Trowbridge
ANNOUNCE: pyFind 0.7.0,
Andy Balcombe
[ANNOUNCE]: gswitchit applet 0.7 released,
Sergey V. Udaltsov
New version of gtm (0.4.9),
Bruno Pires Marinho
[ANNOUNCE] Gtk-Perl version 0.7006 released,
Paolo Molaro
gnome-print 0.28,
Lauris Kaplinski
ANNOUNCE: Guikachu 0.3 "Attack of the Mutant Decidual Cells from Outer Space",
ERDI Gergo
New version of gtm (0.4.8),
Bruno Pires Marinho
GNOME at Usenix!,
Miguel de Icaza
Font Viewer 0.5.0,
Roberto Alameda
ANN: Pan 0.9.6 Released,
Charles Kerr
New version of gsetit (0.4.0),
Bruno Pires Marinho
ANNOUNCE: gdome2-0.6.0,
Paolo Casarini
ANNOUNCE: Web Searcher 0.0.10,
Arturo Tena
ANNOUNCE: pyFind 0.6.0,
[ANN] Mahogany 0.62 release,
Vadim Zeitlin
GNOME 1.4 Release Candidate 1 Available,
jacob berkman
gedit 0.9.6 [just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song],
Chema Celorio
bonobo-draw-0.1 released,
Mike Kestner
gnome-db/libgda 0.2.3 released,
Rodrigo Moya
Gnumeric Release,
Jody Goldberg
[ANNOUNCE] MrProject 0.1,
Richard Hult
New version of gtm (0.4.7),
Bruno Pires Marinho
Nautilus 1.0 is available,
Darin Adler
gnome-utils 1.4 "let's kill first the banker" is out now!,
Arik Devens
Evolution 0.9 "Platypus" is out,
Ettore Perazzoli
Red Carpet 0.9.2,
Ian Peters
Gindo, a new app,
Jimmy Tainio
ANNOUNCE: pyFind 0.5.1,
Andy . Balcombe
Gnome Basic 0.0.18 released,
Michael Meeks
ANNOUNCE: gdm 2.2.0 "Ecky Ecky Ecky Ecky" release,
ANN: Pan 0.9.5 Released,
Charles Kerr
Gdk-pixbuf 0.10.1 is released,
Federico Mena Quintero
ANNOUNCE: Bakery 0.6.0,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: GtkExtra-- 0.9.1,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: GtkExtra-- 0.9.0,
Murray Cumming
Lauris Kaplinski
ANNOUNCE: GNOME Games 1.3.90,
Ian Peters
Lauris Kaplinski
ANNOUNCE: Guikachu 0.2 "geoff",
ERDI Gergo
Red Carpet 0.9.1 is released,
Ian Peters
GTK+-1.2.9 Released,
Owen Taylor
GLib-1.2.9 Released,
Owen Taylor
gdk-pixbuf 0.10.0 is released,
Federico Mena Quintero
Conquering Denmark,
Rebecca J. Walter
GNOME 1.4 Beta 2 "Hit Me Baby, One More Time" is out,
Maciej Stachowiak
Mail converted by MHonArc