2008-October Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Vala] Checking for methods,
Federico Pelloni
[Vala] Object constructors,
Кутейников Дмитрий
[Vala] Drag and Drop,
[Vala] How to subclass a Gtk.Label?,
[Vala] Gtk.TextBuffer text/set_text,
Geert Jan
[Vala] panel_applet_construct not found.,
Yu Feng
[Vala] Singleton question,
José D. Abad
[Vala] Gee.HashMap doesn't work,
Кутейников Дмитрий
[Vala] Add glut.vapi, Glut/FreeGlut,
José D.
[Vala] Vala on Win32,
Mateusz Tybura
[Vala] GTest,
Maciej Piechotka
[Vala] Private members in namespaces,
Кутейников Дмитрий
[Vala] How is the status of vala-doc project?,
Yu Feng
[Vala] Properties that are interfaces,
Shane O'Connell
[Vala] __str__ method in vala ?,
Roberto Majadas
[Vala] [ANNOUNCE] Vala 0.4.0 - Compiler for the GObject type system,
Jürg Billeter
[Vala] [GTK][Bindings] SelectionData questions,
Mihail Naydenov
[Vala] gvalue setter/getter for fundamental types,
Alexander Bokovoy
[Vala] Proposal for an improved delegate/lambda handling,
Ali Sabil
[Vala] [Bindings] GdkEven broken,
Mihail Naydenov
[Vala] Gcrypt bindings,
jiqing . qiang
[Vala] Proposal for asynchronous DBus calls.,
Yu Feng
[Vala] split strings error,
Ildar Mulyukov
[Vala] Vala Bug,
Кутейников Дмитрий
[Vala] class definitions,
Кутейников Дмитрий
[Vala] Delegation in vala,
Кутейников Дмитрий
[Vala] [ModuleInit] and __attribute__ ((constructor)) ?,
Ildar Mulyukov
[Vala] Auto mm(C++) binding for libraries written in Vala?,
Yu Feng
[Vala] GDB and Vala,
Кутейников Дмитрий
[Vala] sort (GLib.CompareFunc compare_func) C-compiler warning,
Geert Jan
[Vala] (no subject),
Tonatiuh Morales
[Vala] Vala RoadMap,
Luca Dionisi
[Vala] GObject-introspection namespaces,
Hans Vercammen
[Vala] Strange Gtk-CRITICAL assertions GTK_IS_TYPE (variable) failures,
Mildred Ki'Lya
[Vala] Vala time handling.,
Karl Lattimer
[Vala] TreePath from TreeView.get_cursor() never freed?,
Geert Jan
[Vala] Is there any progress in making of telepathy vapi?,
[Vala] [Bindings] for ThreadPool broken,
Mihail Naydenov
[Vala] Connecting delegate to signal,
Alexey Shumitsky
[Vala] Offline Bindings Documentation,
[Vala] New vala website??,
Martin (OPENGeoMap)
Re: [Vala] writing a vapi,
Levi Bard
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