2010-November Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[xml] [PATCH] add function xmlTextReaderRelaxNGValidateCtxt(),
Noam Postavsky
[xml] How to process errors from xmlReadMemory in multi-threaded context?,
[xml] Parse CDATA,
seemant bisht
[xml] XPointer URL not resolved when addressing apostrophe-encased @id values,
Marc-Oliver Teschke
sindhusagar ampa
[xml] Missing usage pattern from .NET XmlReader in libxml2 XmlTextReader?,
Sven Riis
[xml] Edit a document created with the TextWriter interface,
Francesco Pretto
Kwasi Mensah
[xml] [Patch] complex type extension cardinality mismatch,
Remi Gacogne
[xml] Libxml2 HTML parsing,
Stan Santiago
[xml] xmlCopyDoc and the xml namespace,
Arnold Hendriks
[xml] Submitting patches, list or bugzilla?,
Arnold Hendriks
[xml] Memory requirement "heuristics" for libxml?,
Martin B.
[xml] libxml2 messed up MonoTouch and Interface Builder,
James Wright
[xml] [textXPath.c] unable to find libxml.h,
Santosh Mahale
[xml] Namespace Nodes in XPath Nodesets & Deleting NsNodes,
Noam Postavsky
[xml] Why xmlReadFile cannot get all content of my xml?,
zuding, li
[xml] XML schema based validation,
[xml] Release of libxml2-2.7.8,
Daniel Veillard
[xml] Fwd: HTML5 test cases,
Sam Ruby
Re: [xml] Add new pretty-printing and sorting options for saving XML,
Daniel Veillard
[xml] XInclude anomality ...,
Ralf Mattes
[xml] problems with zlib 1.2.5?,
Re: [xml] PATCH: Compare encoding pointer with a null instead of xmlCharEncoding element,
Daniel Veillard
Re: [xml] State of schema validation,
Daniel Veillard
Mail converted by MHonArc