Re: [xml] Submitting patches, list or bugzilla?

On 11-11-2010 23:09, Roumen Petrov wrote:
Arnold Hendriks wrote:
Oops. - i dropped the 1
May be libxml configure script don't detect(force) automatically windows threads for mingw builds.
In this case user could run it with --with-threads=win32.
I have pthreads-win32 and configure libxml using
./configure --without-ftp --without-http --without-python --without-zlib

no specific options - probably it tests for pthreads before looking into win32 threads ?

The issue 599241 is not correct as with --with-threads=win32 libxml2 builds fine with and without w32-pthread package installed. So I would like to propose bug 599241 to be marked either as invalid or as feature request. In first case a new issue could be opened - 'automatic detection of windows thread for mingw* host'. About feature request - why not libxml to support both threading models, windows and posix , for mingw* hosts.
See eg - a portable application cannot assume pthread_t is castable from/to an integer. (the first reference I found, but i'm sure it's in the posix specs too - the issue comes up once in a while on comp.programming.threads)

This is the pthread-win32 definition of pthread_t:

typedef struct {
    void * p;                   /* Pointer to actual object */
    unsigned int x;             /* Extra information - reuse count etc */
} ptw32_handle_t;

typedef ptw32_handle_t pthread_t;

and it's the reason why

tid[i] = (pthread_t) -1;


Setting tid[i] to pthread_self may not be in the right spirit for the tests I guess, but I don't really know of another way to initialize a threadid.

Arnold Hendriks<a hendriks b-lex nl>
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