Re: Splash screens (Re: Arlo, a little QA...)

Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> I really don't think that's using too much
> screen estate (and anyway it's *nothing* compared to the
> current splash-screen use).

Isn't the whole idea of a splash screen to hit the user
with a clue-by-four? I'd rather see fast, huge and *useful*
splash screens. For example, why doesn't every splash
screen have a check-box to disable it? Why doesn't every
splash screen have a hyperlink to the documentation?

Couldn't everybody live with a system where the first time
an application is run the developer credits show and the user
is given an option to never see it again?

Anyways, I agree with the ideas about having flashing
task bars, etc. It would also be useful to have the applet
detect when it's hidden and take an alternative action.
Blinking the keyboard leds or something. ;)

- Ken

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