Splash screens (Re: Arlo, a little QA...)

Nicolas Mailhot email enst fr (2000-10-25 at 2232.26 +0200):
> Same should be said about the current boom of gnome
> splash-screens
> (nausilus+evolution1+evolution2+gimp+gnome-startup+...).
> I don't mind if tigert loves splash-screens *BUT* if every
> gnome app is going to have one or more of these
> splash-screen-lovers should poll their ressources to
> implement a capplet controlling all these before users quit
> screaming.

gimp allows "--no-splash". So just make your launcher add that
param. GNOME startup also has a parameter, or at least an option in
Control Center.

But as GNOME is about better computer use, your idea of a global
"splash screen default" toggle, IMHO, should be taken into account...
and coded. To be precisse, apps should have both options (--no-splash
and --splash) for cmd line (and launcher) invocation, and follow the
global default every user chooses.

Another thing that should be desirable (but not a must) is splash
configuration. Why can I change my background and not the splash
screens? And yes, I know I can recompile or change a file somewhere,
but I would not call that nice (specially if I have no root account).

> I'm really disapointed by the utter disrepect of user
> feedback of all these organisations. People have been
> pleading on this list for less, not more splashs for months,
> but everyone seems more concerned of having more or bigger
> splash than others these days. 

After all, many will point that splash screens disturb and make things
slower, when you want to keep working in other things. On the other
hand people want to recognize things... users avoided brands in menu
(compare MS Windows Start menu to GNOME menu organization) but just
was a temporary thing.

If nobody has anything against, I archive this in ~ so I do not
forget, and can repost it as soon as I see a UI draft (suposing it
already does not cover this point).


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