Re: Arlo, a little QA comment regarding your interview with linux .com

> Tom Musgrove wrote:
> > into the standard distribution, and be an opt in thing (Would you be
> willing
> > to have your feature usage tracked, for the purpose of improving the
> Gnome
> > GUI?).  Although some would opt out for privacy purposes, I'm sure
> that many
> Two things here.  First, I would try an Opt Out first and allow people
> to see the information/stats which are gathered (rather than telling
> them what is tracked) via a read only file (to prevent tampering or
> contaminatig the data) rather than an Opt In. That way you can encourage
> participation.  I would also tell users what information you would be
> tracking, why it's used, and who/where to contact if there are any
> questions or feedback .

NO NO NO!  (did I mention NO)  Opt-Out is EVIL, and should be avoided at
ALL COSTS.  Make it part of the "first run" druid or something, but sure
as stuff don't make it opt-out.  You WILL piss people off if you make it
opt-out, a lot of open source bigots^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hadvocates are very
protective or their privacy.  Out-in may get you fewer responses, but it
will get you a LOT less people alienated and distrustful of you.  Just
don't do it!


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