2009-May Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
Rhythmbox 0.12.2 released,
Jonathan Matthew
GTK+ 2.16.2 released,
Matthias Clasen
gnome-applets 2.26.2,
Callum McKenzie
Rygel 0.3,
Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)
GTK+ 2.17.1 released,
Matthias Clasen
GLib 2.20.3 released,
Matthias Clasen
Seed 0.8 released,
Robert Carr
Nautilus-actions 1.10.1 is out [2],
Pierre Wieser
GLib 2.21.1 released,
Matthias Clasen
gnome-js-common 0.1 released.,
Robert Carr
Nautilus-actions 1.10.1 is out,
Paperbox 0.4.3 released,
Marko Anastasov
ANNOUNCE: gstreamermm-0.10.2,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Jos=E9?= Alburquerque
ANNOUNCE: Tomboy 0.15.1 Released (development release),
Sandy Armstrong
[ANNOUNCE] Vala 0.7.3 - Compiler for the GObject type system,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=FCrg?= Billeter
Brasero 2.27.2 RELEASE,
Luis Medinas
Eye of GNOME 2.27.2,
Felix Riemann
gnome-applets 2.27.2,
Callum McKenzie
Announcement: Racetrack 1.0 repository,
Nagappan Alagappan
gnome-games 2.27.2 released,
Thomas H.P. Andersen
libgnomekbd 2.27.2,
Sergey Udaltsov
ANNOUNCE: Cheese 2.27.2 released,
Filippo Argiolas
ANNOUNCE: Empathy 2.27.2,
Xavier Claessens
ANNOUNCE: Mistelix 0.2 released,
Jordi Mas
Announcing Orca v2.27.2,
Willie Walker
Deskbar-Applet 2.27.2 released,
Gerd Kohlberger
ANNOUNCE: krb5-auth-dialog 0.10,
Guido =?iso-8859-1?Q?G=FCnther?=
Announce: mousetweaks 2.27.2,
Francesco Fumanti
libgdata 0.3.0 released,
Philip Withnall
ANNOUNCE GCalctool 5.27.2,
Robert Ancell
[ANNOUNCE] PyGTK 2.15.1 - unstable,
Gian Mario Tagliaretti
[ANNOUNCE] PyGobject 2.18.0 - stable,
Gian Mario Tagliaretti
Accerciser 1.7.2: The second development release.,
Eitan Isaacson
GNOME 2.26.2 released!,
Vincent Untz
seahorse 2.26.2 released,
Adam Schreiber
seahorse-plugins 2.26.2 released,
Adam Schreiber
ANNOUNCE - Ekiga 3.2.4 [STABLE] available,
Damien Sandras
ANNOUNCE - Ekiga 3.2.3 [STABLE] available,
Damien Sandras
ANNOUNCE - Ekiga 3.2.2 [STABLE] available,
Damien Sandras
ANNOUNCE - Ekiga 3.2.1 [STABLE] available,
Eugen Dedu
ANNOUNCE: Empathy,
Xavier Claessens
Evince 2.27.1 released,
Carlos Garcia Campos
Evince 2.26.2 released,
Carlos Garcia Campos
gnome-games 2.26.2,
Jason D. Clinton
Brasero 2.26.2 Release,
Luis Medinas
ANNOUNCE: Cheese 2.26.2 released,
daniel g. siegel
gtk-engines 2.18.2,
Benjamin Berg
Eye of GNOME 2.26.2,
Felix Riemann
Announce: mousetweaks 2.26.2,
Francesco Fumanti
Announcing Orca v2.26.2,
Willie Walker
moserial 2.26.1 released,
Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak
Deskbar-Applet 2.26.2 released,
ANNOUNCE: Empathy 2.26.2,
Xavier Claessens
ANNOUNCE: Empathy 2.27.1,
Xavier Claessens
ANNOUNCE GCalctool 5.26.2,
Robert Ancell
GLib 2.20.2 released,
Matthias Clasen
Lasem 0.1.1 released,
Emmanuel Pacaud
GNOME DVB Daemon 0.1.7 released,
Release: Gnome-schedule 2.1.0,
Gaute Hope
GNOME DVB Daemon 0.1.6 released,
Seed 0.7 Released,
Robert Carr
ANNOUNCE: Tomboy 0.14.2 Released (stable bugfix release),
Sandy Armstrong
Announce: Linux Desktop Testing Project (LDTP) 1.6.0 released,
Nagappan A
[ANNOUNCE] PyGoocanvas 0.14.1,
Gian Mario Tagliaretti
GParted 0.4.5 Released,
Curtis Gedak
[ANNOUNCE] Vala 0.7.2 - Compiler for the GObject type system,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=FCrg?= Billeter
GNOME 2.27.1 Released!,
Vincent Untz
[ANNOUNCE] librep 0.17.4,
Christopher Roy Bratusek
Paperbox 0.4.2 released,
Marko Anastasov
ANNOUNCE: Tomboy 0.15.0 Released (development release),
Sandy Armstrong
Eye of GNOME 2.27.1,
Felix Riemann
Anjuta and Gdl 2.27.1 have been released,
Johannes Schmid
gnome-games 2.27.1 released,
Thomas H.P. Andersen
ANNOUNCE: Cheese 2.27.1 released,
Filippo Argiolas
Deskbar-Applet 2.27.1 released,
Announce: GNOME Media 2.27.1 "Ils avaient un light saber!",
Announcing Orca v2.27.1,
Willie Walker
Announce: GOK 2.27.1,
Gerd Kohlberger
Announce: mousetweaks 2.27.1,
Francesco Fumanti
GTK+ 2.17.0 released,
Matthias Clasen
Accerciser 1.7.1: The first development release of the fifth stable cycle.,
Eitan Isaacson
gnome-applets 2.27.1,
Callum McKenzie
gnome-settings-daemon 2.27.1 released,
Rodrigo Moya
ANNOUNCE GCalctool 5.27.1,
Robert Ancell
GLib 2.21.0 released,
Matthias Clasen
Lasem 0.1.0 released,
Emmanuel Pacaud
[ANNOUNCE] rep-gtk 0.18.5,
Christopher Roy Bratusek
seahorse 2.27.1 released,
Adam Schreiber
[ANNOUNCE] PyGTK 2.15.0 - unstable,
Gian Mario Tagliaretti
Nemiver release 0.6.7 now available,
Dodji Seketeli
ANNOUNCE: krb5-auth-dialog 0.9.1,
Guido =?iso-8859-1?Q?G=FCnther?=
gscan2pdf 0.9.28 released,
Jeffrey Ratcliffe
GNOME Journal, May 2009 Edition Released,
Paul Cutler
seahorse-plugins 2.27.1 released,
Adam Schreiber
Mail converted by MHonArc