2002-November Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
David Eriksson
ANNOUNCE: netspeed_applet 0.7,
Jörgen Scheibengruber
ANNOUNCE: gThumb 1.106,
Paolo Bacchilega
ANNOUNCE: Quick Lounge 0.98,
Paolo Bacchilega
ANNOUNCE: The Bubbling Load Monitoring Applet 2.0.1,
Juan Salaverria
totem 0.12.1,
Bastien Nocera
GNOME 2.0.3 Desktop and Developer Platform Released!,
Jeff Waugh
Visage 0.1 "Crash This, I Dare Ya!" Released,
ANNOUNCE: Coriander coriander-0.27.1,
Damien Douxchamps
Gnome Clipboard Manager, bugfix 2.0.2b,
Philip Van Hoof
ANNOUNCE: Meld meld-0.6.2,
Stephen Kennedy
ANNOUNCE: Gnometab gnometab-0.7.1,
William Guelker
totem 0.12.0,
Bastien Nocera
ANNOUNCE: Gamazons 0.83,
Ron Yorgason
Sodipodi 0.28 has been released,
Lauris Kaplinski
ANNOUNCE: Glade-- 1.1.3,
Christof Petig
ANNOUNCE: gjots 0.5,
Bob Hepple
ANNOUNCE: gsoftpad gsoftpad-1.2,
Steeve Beaudin
acme "Give us a grin" 1.99.10,
Bastien Nocera
ANNOUNCE: gnomemm 1.3.12 - Including Bonobo C++ wrappers.,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: Straw 0.13.2,
Juri Pakaste
Charles Kerr
ANNOUNCE: Gringotts 1.2.1,
Germano Rizzo
GTK+-2.0.9 released,
Kristian Rietveld
ANNOUNCE: Bakery 1.3.4,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: Coriander coriander-0.27,
Damien Douxchamps
Visage 0.1beta1 "Setting The Scene" Released,
ANNOUNCE: gedit 2.0.6,
James Willcox
gnome-applets 2.0.4,
Bastien Nocera
ANNOUNCE: Gobject Factory GObject Factory 0.1,
ANNOUNCE: Yelp 1.0.7,
Mikael Hallendal
ANNOUNCE: MrProject 0.7,
Mikael Hallendal
ANNOUNCE: gnome-games 2.0.6,
Ross Burton
Announce: SynCE 0.3.1,
David Eriksson
ANNOUNCE: Gringotts 1.2.0,
Germano Rizzo
ANNOUNCE: GnuCash 1.7.3 beta: "This rose is priceless",
Chris Lyttle
ANNOUNCE: GSwitchIt 2.0 for GNOME 2 "Happy birthday,darling!",
Sergey V. Udaltsov
ANNOUNCE: gnome-pkgview 0.0.7 (Walbrook),
Mike Newman
ANNOUNCE: Glade-Perl Two-0.01,
Dermot Musgrove
ANNOUNCE: Glade-Perl 0.61,
Dermot Musgrove
ANNOUNCE: GTK-Lsof GTK-Lsof 0.9.10,
Guikachu 1.3.2 "Habos kakaó": GNOME Resource editor for PalmOS projects,
ERDI Gergo
RE - ANNOUNCE: Inti-GConf 1.0 Beta-2,
Jeff Franks
ANNOUNCE: gretl 1.0,
Allin Cottrell
ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 2.0.1,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: GTK-Lsof GTK-Lsof 0.9.9,
Rhythmbox 0.4.0,
Olivier Martin
Gnumeric 1.1.12,
Jody Goldberg
ANNOUNCE: The Bubbling Load Monitoring Applet 2.0.0,
Juan Salaverria
ANNOUNCE: vlc 0.4.6 "hooray for boobies",
Samuel Hocevar
ANNOUNCE: galculator 0.8,
Simon Floery
ANNOUNCE: gThumb 1.105,
Paolo Bacchilega
OSGEdit 0.3.0,
Announce: GNOME 2 version of gpaint (0.2.3),
Andy Tai
ANNOUNCE: OSGEdit 0.3.0,
Ruben Lopez
ANNOUNCE: Gamazons 0.81,
Ron Yorgason
ANNOUNCE: uf-view 2.1,
Bastien Nocera
ANNOUNCE: GEDCOM Viewer 1.0.0,
ANNOUNCE: terminal-view,
Conger, Keith
GNOME Development Series Snapshot 2.1.2: "Life Preserver",
Jeff Waugh
ANNOUNCE: GNOME clipboard gclipboard release,
Li Zhenchun
GNOME Summary for 2002-11-02 - 2002-11-09,
Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller
ANNOUNCE: Integrated Foundation Classes Beta-2,
Jeff Franks
GGV 1.99.96,
Jaka Mocnik
ANNOUNCE: Straw 0.13,
Juri Pakaste
ANNOUNCE: pkgview 0.0.6,
Mike Newman
ANNOUNCE: gnocl 0.5.3,
Peter G . Baum
ANNOUNCE: sawfish 1.2,
John Harper
ANNOUNCE: gsoftpad gsoftpad-1.1,
Steeve Beaudin
GTK+-2.0.8 released,
Owen Taylor
ANNOUNCE: Gamazons 0.80,
Ron Yorgason
ANNOUNCE: GTetrinet 0.5.0pre1,
Jordi Mallach
ANNOUNCE: gcompressor 2.0-1,
ANNOUNCE: Glade 1.1.3 released,
Damon Chaplin
ANNOUNCE: Devil's Pie 0.2.3,
Ross Burton
Gnome Pilot 0.1.69,
JP Rosevear
ANNOUNCE: Gobject Factory GObjectFactory 0.0.1,
ANNOUNCE: netspeed_applet 0.6,
Jörgen Scheibengruber
guile-gobject-0.4.0 available,
Jose Ariel Rios Osorio
ANNOUNCE: Kiwi 0.5.0,
Christian Reis
ANNOUNCE: File Roller 2.0.4,
Paolo Bacchilega
[ANNOUNCE] Anjuta 1.0.0 (Diwali),
Biswapesh Chattopadhyay
GTK+-2.0.7 released,
Owen Taylor
GLib-2.0.7 released,
Owen Taylor
ANNOUNCE: gnome-mlview 0.0.3rc1,
Dodji Seketeli
ANNOUNCE: pkgview 0.0.5,
Mike Newman
ANNOUNCE: Gnome Souls 0.1.0,
John Kiss
ANNOUNCE: Terminal Server Client 0.32,
Erick Woods
ANNOUNCE: gcompressor 2.0-0,
ANNOUNCE: Meld meld-0.6.0,
Stephen Kennedy
gnome-vfs-extras 0.99.6,
Bastien Nocera
gnome-applets 2.1.1,
Bastien Nocera
ANNOUNCE: apotheke 0.2,
Jens Finke
ANNOUNCE: gjots 0.4,
Bob Hepple
Pango-1.1.3 development release,
Owen Taylor
GTK+-2.1.2 release [unstable],
Owen Taylor
REANNOUNCE: libzvtmm 2.0.0 - Corrected Download Site,
Dale Hirt
ANNOUNCE: orbitcpp,
Murray Cumming
intltool 0.23 is available,
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen
Michael Meeks
This is the story of a gnome-media release,
ANNOUNCE: GENIUS 0.5.0 the "Rising from ashes" release,
Gnumeric 1.1.11,
Jody Goldberg
ANNOUNCE: gob2 2.0.3 the "Long time no release" release,
Gnumeric 1.1.10,
Jody Goldberg
GStreamer 'Toes Wide Open' 0.4.2 released,
Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller
ANNOUNCE: ReciteWord 0.8.0,
ANNOUNCE: gnomemm 1.3.11,
Murray Cumming
ANNOUNCE: GNOME Accessibility Themes 0.3 "The Appletons",
Calum Benson
ANNOUNCE: Inti-GConf 1.0 Beta-1,
Jeff Franks
Mail converted by MHonArc