2006-December Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Tracker] Alternative website design,
Samuel Cormier-Iijima
Re: [Tracker] Tracker website,
Peter Vander Klippe
[Tracker] New Deskbar Handler,
[Tracker] [PATCH] Tex Filter Support,
Bjoern Gruening
[Tracker] tracker 0.5.3: POPPLER_GLIB not detected,
B Berteh
[Tracker] Tasks for the XMAS/new year holiday,
Jamie McCracken
[Tracker] Debian packaging,
Johan Kiviniemi
[Tracker] [Announce] Tracker 0.5.3,
Jamie McCracken
Re: [Tracker] tracker and accents?,
Jamie McCracken
[Tracker] Tracker indexing mailboxes. When?,
Javier Arantegui
[Tracker] Fix launcher name and description,
Luca Ferretti
[Tracker] A couple of issues in tracker-search-tool,
Luca Ferretti
[Tracker] Removed/Changed some strings in tracker-search-tool,
Luca Ferretti
[Tracker] Tracker doesn't index contents of text/x-tex files,
Mark Florian
[Tracker] just discovered gls3,
B Berteh
[Tracker] [Fwd: Re: GNOME DNS Servers [Fwd: domain name purchased!]],
Jamie McCracken
[Tracker] musepack & monkey audio files treated as text/plain,
Rob Til Freedmen
[Tracker] [WIP] Application support: man pages, Tomboy, & Liferea,
Edward Duffy
[Tracker] Tracker website and applications supporting Tracker,
Filippo Pappalardo
[Tracker] trackerd extremly slow,
Re: [Tracker] domain name purchased!,
Jamie McCracken
[Tracker] QtGui some Fix,
[Tracker] Fwd: hey fix your trackerd,
Peter Vander Klippe
[Tracker] [BUG] can't search for filenames starting with numbers,
Luca Ferretti
Re: [Tracker] Review trackerd command line options,
Luca Ferretti
[Tracker] QtTracker new Version,
[Tracker] TrackerQt Release,
Eugenio Cutolo
Re: [Tracker] trackerd status in t-s-t,
Jamie McCracken
Mail converted by MHonArc