Re: [Tracker] A couple of issues in tracker-search-tool

On 12/16/06, Luca Ferretti <elle uca libero it> wrote:
Il giorno sab, 16/12/2006 alle 20.15 +0200, Tshepang Lekhonkhobe ha
> On 12/16/06, Luca Ferretti <elle uca libero it> wrote:

> >         More info: I suppose the search button should also be grayed out
> >         after a search is performed, and clickable only when there is
> >         something new to search in text entry.
> Often, while Tracker is still indexing, you'd like to continue
> searching with the same terms again just by clicking the search button
> (which is not grayed out). This feature you suggest will end up as a
> frustration in such a case.

Maybe we need to add more info about current status in statusbar. Note
that we are currently missing total matches too.

We could show in status bar something like:

        1-->  Results 12 - 23 of 234

I'm looking forward to this feature

        2-->  Results 1 - 3 of 3 (<b>indexing still running</b>)

So long as the notification isn't as invasive and ugly like that of
Beagle. As you mention, I hope this remains on the statusbar...

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