Re: [Tracker] [Announce] Tracker 0.5.3

Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
2006/12/24, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk <mailto:jamiemcc blueyonder co uk>>:

    Edward Duffy wrote:
     > Congrats on getting another release out the door (and so close to
     > Christmas)!
     > On 12/23/06, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk
    <mailto:jamiemcc blueyonder co uk>> wrote:
     >> * New improved metadata engine now sports multiple values per
     >> item and rdf style recursive metadata relationships
     > How does this work?  I poked around tracker-extract,
     > tracker-metadata.c, tackerd.c, and tracker-db.c and they are all
     > a GHashTable to store metadata.  Nothing really jumped out as being
     > all that different.

    The main stuff will be "Email:SentTo", "Email:CC" etc which needs to
    support multiple values.

    The metadata extraction, which I will work on over XMAS, will need to
    delimit multiple values with semicolons which will then be aplit up and
    stored in separate rows in the DB. So yeah they will need modifying

Does this mean that ;s will have to be escaped in the return values?

yes - ';' is not common in metadata?

email addresses are delimited by semi-colons as well in mboxes so no loss there :)

if semicolons are not good then we would need some other delimiter to use for the string in the GHashTable or we could use a GSList instead of a string but that would be more work...

    The changes that I have made are to the DB structure, metadata names,
    metadata properties and the search mechanisms (rdf query and keywords).

      I have also changed keywords to use the new metadata db directly and
    the auto tagging is no longer needed as "Doc:Keywords" and
    "Image:Keywords" are now children of type "DC:Keywords" so any search
    for a keyword (either directly or in rdf query) will automatically
    search DC:Keywords and all its children. (its open ended so more types
    can be declared as a child of DC:Keywords and get searched automatically

This sounds really cool. One of my friends inquired me asking me if I knew about any tool that could do hierarchial tags. Fx. consider the following tag hierarchy:


if i tag the file tracker.c with "desktop-search" and search my tags for "hacking", tracker.c will show up in the results...

its the metadata type that is hierarchical not the actual tags so it would not work like that.

in trackers case a search on Image:Keywords would search all tags in Image:Keywords only

But a search on DC:Keywords would search all tags in DC:Keywords, Doc:Keywords and Image:Keywords (and any other metadata type which has DC:Keywords as a parent)

Mr Jamie McCracken

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