Re: [Tracker] tracker and accents?

Kiddo wrote:
Hello, I had a weird bug tonight, I'm sending it to you in the hope it can help.

nekohayo: I can't find my video files!
Jeffrey Schroeder: That is a known issue though that is being worked on
nekohayo: oh maybe it's tracker-search-tool that does not work properly

nekohayo: jeff khloe:~$ tracker-search "combat"|grep vid
/home/jeff/videos/trailers/True Combat: Elite Public Release teaser 049.avi

nekohayo: oh wait, wtf. you see that line, videos is written "videos"... but on my filesystem it's actually "vidéos"
Jeffrey Schroeder: BUG BUG BUG BUG BUG

For the record, this folder was previously (like, weeks ago) named "videos" then renamed as "vidéos". Also, when using tracker-search-tool, I could not find anything. Searching for "combat" returned nothing, while searching for "tremulous" did show a result (both are .avi files in the same folder with the same permissions).

What could be the cause? Interestingly enough, I just renamed my folder from "vidéos" to "videos" (my filesystem is UTF-8). After some CPU exercise (tracker reindexed everything, considered the files as "new"), it now works. Searching for "combat" in the tracker-search-tool works. What gives?

not sure but I would need to see the log before and after you did the rename. Also during a search as well.

Can you repeat with --enable-debug on the command line so we get detailed info in the log file and then send to me?

(If you are using an inotify system the move should have been instant with little or no reindexing)

Mr Jamie McCracken

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