Re: [Tracker] just discovered gls3

On Thu, 2006-12-14 at 13:50 +0000, Jamie McCracken wrote:
Erlend Davidson wrote:
Well, won't GLS3 obsolete Tracker once it's finished and stable  
(which will take a much longer time than it will take Tracker)?  Is  
it an entirely new filesystem, or a filesystem that lives on top of  
an existing one?

its not a physical file system and does not really do anything that 
tracker does not

It uses FUSE to expose a user space filesystem in the same way that 
tracker uses trackerdFS and beagle uses BeagleFS

Its similiar to tracker but written in C++ and so uses different 

I expect it to be much heavier than tracker though as its using Postgres 
and not Sqlite like tracker.

Also no Dbus and no C bindings so its not really feaible for Gnome or 
XFCE at the moment. I dont think there is any integration with any gnome 
stuff (Deskbar or Nautilus)

Also seems to lack RDF ability for the metadata but otherwise is pretty 
close to tracker in both scope and target audience (IE its not just a 
dedicated indexer like Beagle or Strigii and like tracker closely 
couples DB and Indexer).

it seems to me that the greatest place for these softwares to share code
is in the various ways these services are exposed. i'm thinking gui:
search, indexing, preferences, etc. what do you all think are areas
where these projects can work together (which is vital).


Jon Phillips

San Francisco, CA
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jon rejon org

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