Re: [Tracker] Review trackerd command line options

Il giorno gio, 30/11/2006 alle 23.59 +0000, Jamie McCracken ha scritto:
Luca Ferretti wrote:
Il giorno mer, 29/11/2006 alle 14.22 +0000, Jamie McCracken ha scritto:
Luca Ferretti wrote:
Comments ?
yeah I think what you suggest is best

(only advanced users would use options so I think its okay to break now)

Im not sure we need the -i param as the list of directory roots should 
be the default stuff at the end?

The -i param forces users to specify one directory for each option, so
they can't add dir by mistake or use a wrong separator
(trackerd /path/dir1;/path/dir2). IMHO this is better.

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