Re: [Tracker] Tracker doesn't index contents of text/x-tex files

Mark Florian wrote:
I just noticed that tracker doesn't index the contents of files of the
type text/x-tex, that is TeX/LaTeX files. If I copy such a file, called
say thesis.tex to thesis.txt, then tracker indexes that .txt file fully
as would be expected.

I haven't checked how tracker treats other variants of text/* mimetypes,
but it strikes me that tracker should index the contents of *all* text

It does index all plain text files that it detects however if it has a mime type other than text/plain then it checks the filters directory to see if a filter is defined for it. If not present then no text is extracted.

all the latex/tex needs is a filter to call untex on it (in tracker/filters/text)

patches for above welcome

Mr Jamie McCracken

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