Re: [Tracker] just discovered gls3

2006/12/15, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk>:
Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
> 2006/12/14, Jon Phillips <jon rejon org <mailto:jon rejon org>>:
>     On Thu, 2006-12-14 at 13:50 +0000, Jamie McCracken wrote:
>      > Erlend Davidson wrote:
>      > > Well, won't GLS3 obsolete Tracker once it's finished and stable
>      > > (which will take a much longer time than it will take
>     Tracker)?  Is
>      > > it an entirely new filesystem, or a filesystem that lives on top of
>      > > an existing one?
>      >
>      > its not a physical file system and does not really do anything that
>      > tracker does not
>      >
>      > It uses FUSE to expose a user space filesystem in the same way that
>      > tracker uses trackerdFS and beagle uses BeagleFS
>      >
>      > Its similiar to tracker but written in C++ and so uses different
>      > technologies.
>      >
>      > I expect it to be much heavier than tracker though as its using
>     Postgres
>      > and not Sqlite like tracker.
>      >
>      > Also no Dbus and no C bindings so its not really feaible for
>     Gnome or
>      > XFCE at the moment. I dont think there is any integration with
>     any gnome
>      > stuff (Deskbar or Nautilus)
>      >
>      > Also seems to lack RDF ability for the metadata but otherwise is
>     pretty
>      > close to tracker in both scope and target audience (IE its not
>     just a
>      > dedicated indexer like Beagle or Strigii and like tracker closely
>      > couples DB and Indexer).
>     it seems to me that the greatest place for these softwares to share code
>     is in the various ways these services are exposed. i'm thinking gui:
>     search, indexing, preferences, etc. what do you all think are areas
>     where these projects can work together (which is vital).
> This is partially the goal of the Wasabi unification project. It is
> currently discussed on the xdg list at
> <> (look for the "simple search api" threads).
> The first goals of Wasabi is to come up with a unified dbus api for
> desktop search engines. With that it is possible to write a generic gui.

Im going to implement live query stuff over XMAS and would like to use
the Wasabi api - is it anywhere near complete/accepted?

The current __drafts__ are here:

I posed two questions in my last post to xdg. Could you please comment on them (preferably on xdg)? I'm thinking about this mail: - the two questions at the bottom.

Depending on how people respond to those questions there is possible some changes in store for the live api...


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