Re: [Tracker] [Announce] Tracker 0.5.3

2006/12/25, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk>:
Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
> 2006/12/24, Jamie McCracken <jamiemcc blueyonder co uk
> <mailto:jamiemcc blueyonder co uk >>:
>     Edward Duffy wrote:
>      > Congrats on getting another release out the door (and so close to
>      > Christmas)!
>      >
>      > On 12/23/06, Jamie McCracken < jamiemcc blueyonder co uk
>     <mailto:jamiemcc blueyonder co uk>> wrote:
>      >> * New improved metadata engine now sports multiple values per
>     metadata
>      >> item and rdf style recursive metadata relationships
>      >
>      > How does this work?  I poked around tracker-extract,
>      > tracker-metadata.c , tackerd.c, and tracker-db.c and they are all
>     using
>      > a GHashTable to store metadata.  Nothing really jumped out as being
>      > all that different.
>      >
>      >
>     The main stuff will be "Email:SentTo", "Email:CC" etc which needs to
>     support multiple values.
>     The metadata extraction, which I will work on over XMAS, will need to
>     delimit multiple values with semicolons which will then be aplit up and
>     stored in separate rows in the DB. So yeah they will need modifying
>     slightly.
> Does this mean that ;s will have to be escaped in the return values?

yes - ';' is not common in metadata?

email addresses are delimited by semi-colons as well in mboxes so no
loss there :)

if semicolons are not good then we would need some other delimiter to
use for the string in the GHashTable or we could use a GSList instead of
a string but that would be more work...

Well, I was thinking about Daze for instance. I use metadata fields to store freetext notes. In this case I'd have to escape ;'s before setting DazeNote.Contents then... Right?

> This sounds really cool. One of my friends inquired me asking me if I
> knew about  any tool that could do hierarchial  tags.  Fx. consider the
> following tag hierarchy:
> hacking
> |--search
>    |--desktop-desktop
> |--gnome
> if i tag the file tracker.c with "desktop-search" and search my tags for
> "hacking", tracker.c will show up in the results...

its the metadata type that is hierarchical not the actual tags so it
would not work like that.

in trackers case a search on Image:Keywords would search all tags in
Image:Keywords only

But a search on DC:Keywords would search all tags in DC:Keywords,
Doc:Keywords and Image:Keywords (and any other metadata type which has
DC:Keywords as a parent)

Yeah, I follow you.  He just wanted the tags themselves to be hierarchial. It doesn't make sense for my daily usage where I tend to use only a flat tagging functionality.

He is a dude taking tons of photos and he would like that searching for "copenhagen" also returned images tagged with the child tag "little-mermaid" (the famous statue in Cphgn). Anyway, just inquiring on his behalf :-)


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