Re: [Tracker] A couple of issues in tracker-search-tool

On 12/16/06, Luca Ferretti <elle uca libero it> wrote:
1. Search button should be grayed out when search entry is empty.

        To reproduce: open Tracker Search Tool, the search entry is
        empty, but you can click on Search button.

this is ok

        More info: I suppose the search button should also be grayed out
        after a search is performed, and clickable only when there is
        something new to search in text entry.

Often, while Tracker is still indexing, you'd like to continue
searching with the same terms again just by clicking the search button
(which is not grayed out). This feature you suggest will end up as a
frustration in such a case.

2. Clear the results list on text entry cleaning

        To reproduce: open Tracker Search Tool, enter text in search
        entry, search and find it, now clic the clear entry icon. The
        results list still show previous results.

        More info: waiting for a search-as-you-type feature, should we
        clear the results list after every text entry changes

I hope the search-as-you-type feature is not implemented in t-s-t,
especially considering that loads of people type at different speeds,
and also because hitting enter shouldn't be much trouble after typing
the entry. Such a feature is unneeded elegance...

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