2008-November Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Announce] PyGooCanvas 0.13.0,
Gian Mario Tagliaretti
gedit 2.25.1 released,
Paolo Borelli
Gparted 0.4.1 Released,
Curtis Gedak
ANNOUNCE: Glom 1.8.3,
Armin Burgmeier
GParted 0.4.0 Released,
Curtis Gedak
GNOME 2.24.2 released!,
Vincent Untz
ANN: buzztard 0.4.0 "the light in your eyes",
Stefan Kost
ANNOUNCE: Glom 1.8.2,
Murray Cumming
metacity 2.25.13,
Thomas Thurman
gir-repository 0.6.1,
Johan Dahlin
GObject-Introspection 0.6.1,
Johan Dahlin
libspectre release 0.2.2 now available,
Carlos Garcia Campos
Anjuta 2.24.2 released,
Johannes Schmid
metacity 2.25.8 released,
Thomas Thurman
Gnome Games 2.24.2,
Jason D. Clinton
bug-buddy 2.24.2 released,
Cosimo Cecchi
gnome-applets 2.24.2,
Callum McKenzie
ANNOUNCE: Cheese 2.24.2 released,
daniel g. siegel
ANNOUNCE: Gcalctool 5.24.2,
Robert Ancell
Eye of GNOME 2.24.2,
Claudio Saavedra
Evince 2.24.2 released,
Carlos Garcia Campos
GTK+ 2.14.5 released,
Matthias Clasen
Announcing Orca v2.24.2,
Willie Walker
GLib 2.18.3 released,
Matthias Clasen
Nemiver release 0.6.4 now available,
Dodji Seketeli
libxklavier 3.8,
Sergey Udaltsov
Announce: mousetweaks 2.24.2,
Francesco Fumanti
[ANNOUNCE] LibUnique 1.0.4 (stable),
Emmanuele Bassi
[Announce] gtkmm-utils 0.4.0,
Marko Anastasov
Deskbar-Applet 2.24.2 released,
[ANNOUNCE] rep-gtk 0.18.3,
Christopher Bratusek
[ANNOUNCE] librep 0.17.2,
Christopher Bratusek
MonoDevelop 2.0 Alpha 2 released,
Lluis Sanchez Gual
[ANN] GtkImageView 1.6.3 - Image viewer widget for GTK+,
gnoMint 0.6.0 released,
GNOME Power Manager 2.24.2,
Richard Hughes
Announcing gnome-speech 0.4.22,
Willie Walker
cairo release 1.8.4 now available,
Carl Worth
GTask - 0.1.2,
Christian Hergert
gjs 0.2 released,
Lucas Rocha
Swfdec 0.9.2 is out,
Benjamin Otte
libgdamm 3.99.0 released,
Johannes Schmid
Libgda and Libgnomedb 3.99.6,
Vivien Malerba
RSS-GLib - 0.2.2,
Christian Hergert
[ANNOUNCE] brasero-0.8.3 released,
Philippe Rouquier
GNOME 2.25.1 Released!,
Vincent Untz
ANNOUNCEMENT: gnome-keyring 2.25.1,
Gnome Games 2.25.1 with more awesome.,
Jason D. Clinton
seahorse-plugins 2.25.1 released,
Adam Schreiber
Seahorse 2.25.1 Released,
Adam Schreiber
ANNOUNCE: Cheese 2.25.1 released,
daniel g. siegel
gnome-settings-daemon 2.25.1 released,
Rodrigo Moya
Announce: mousetweaks 2.25.1,
Francesco Fumanti
Gerd Kohlberger
gnome-applets 2.25.1,
Callum McKenzie
ANNOUNCE: at-spi 1.25.1,
Li Yuan
bug-buddy 2.25.1 released,
Cosimo Cecchi
ANNOUNCE GCalctool 5.25.1,
Robert Ancell
[ANNOUNCE] Vala 0.5.1 - Compiler for the GObject type system,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=FCrg?= Billeter
gtk-engines 2.17.0 [unstable],
Benjamin Berg
ANNOUNCE: Gtk2-Perl 2.25.1,
Torsten Schoenfeld
GNOME DVB daemon 0.1.0 released,
Deskbar-Applet 2.25.1 released,
Announcing Orca v2.25.1,
Willie Walker
Eye of GNOME 2.25.1,
Felix Riemann
gnome-games released,
Thomas H.P. Andersen
[ANNOUNCE] libgee 0.1.4 - GObject collection library,
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?J=FCrg?= Billeter
RSS-GLib - 0.2.0,
Christian Hergert
[Announce] PyPoppler 0.10.0,
Gian Mario Tagliaretti
Mail converted by MHonArc