ANNOUNCE: Cheese 2.24.2 released

no bugs as always! well, at least none i should mention ;) have fun
with the new cheese release!

what is it?
Take photos and videos with your webcam, with fun graphical effects

what's changed in 2.24.2?
- print vendor and product id while probing devices. provide some more device informations for easier bug triaging.
- don't use random access glist methods when accessing a list sequentially.
  properly free list elements after use, fixes bug #560514, courtesy of Giuseppe Fuggiano
- print the cheese version if the -v flag is set
- free gslist properly without a memory leak, fixes bug #560347, courtesy of Giuseppe Fuggiano
- cheese now supports webcams which support only one resolution, fixes bug #560032, courtesy of Hans de Goede
- change the default font of the countdown widget to bitstream vera sans bold
  - added/updated translations
    - pt_BR, courtesy of Joao Emanuel
    - de, courtesy of Hendrik Richter
    - uk, courtesy of Maxim V. Dziumanenko
    - ca, courtesy of Joan Duran

where can i get it?
you can get it by pressing here!

what does it look like?
take a look here!

where can i find out more?
you can visit the project web site:

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