1999-November Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
Glade-- 0.5.5 available,
Christof Petig
ANNOUNCE: Gundo 0.3 undo/redo library for Gtk,
Nat Pryce
GNOME Summary Nov. 17-23 (XFCE compat, new GnomePixmap, TODO list,libglade/Python demo, GTK 1.4 drawing model),
Havoc Pennington
New version for GNOME Compjugador,
Daniel M. German
Gfax 0.3.4, yes upgrade:-(,
George Farris
Upgrade to gfax-0.3.3,
George Farris
Announce: Gtk-- 1.1.4,
Guillaume Laurent
Gfax 0.3.1 er ah 0.3.2 released.,
George Farris
Gnumeric 0.44 is out.,
Miguel de Icaza
ANNOUNCE: libglade-0.9,
James Henstridge
Perl/GNOME Job opportunity,
Miguel de Icaza
new Glade-- user's guide available,
Christof Petig
Glade-- 0.5.4a available,
Christof Petig
Bug fix: 0.43,
Miguel de Icaza
Finally! Gnumeric 0.42 is out,
Miguel de Icaza
GNOME Summary Nov. 9-17 (covers UI summary, sound, DeveloperWorkscolumn, comdex, screenshots, new libglade, fireload, M11),
Havoc Pennington
ANNOUNCE: New version of multilevel undo/redo library,
Nat Pryce
ANNOUNCE: libglade-0.8,
James Henstridge
GOB (GTK+ object builder) 0.90.4 released,
ANNOUNCE: Glade 0.5.5 available,
Damon Chaplin
GOB (GTK+ object builder) 0.90.3 released,
Graphtool 0.06 is available,
Laurent Ortega
ANNOUNCE: Multilevel undo/redo for Gtk,
Nat Pryce
Updates to gstripchart,
John Kodis
GNOME UI Summary [* - Nov 11, 1999],
James M. Cape
Gdk-pixbuf 0.4 is released,
Federico Mena Quintero
GNOME Summary, Oct26-Nov9,
Havoc Pennington
GNOME Packaging: Call for volunteers.,
Miguel de Icaza
ANNOUNCE Gnomba 0.5.1,
Chris Rogers
gbox_applet 0.2.3 released,
Andreas Buesching
bug-buddy 0.2 released...,
Jacob Berkman
Gnome Chess 0.2.4,
JP Rosevear
bug-buddy 0.1,
Jacob Berkman
Announce: Gtk-- 1.1.3,
Karl Nelson
ANNOUNCE - GNOME Update Manager,
gnome-db-0.0.27 released,
Rodrigo Moya
Glade-- 0.5.3 available,
Christof Petig
gnome-core 1.0.54 "Bad Apple Pie" released,
Jacob Berkman
gnome-core 1.0.54-pre2 "Snowing Bonobo" test release available,
Jacob Berkman
Greater Toronto Area Gnome Group,
JP Rosevear
New GNOME Feature Article,
David C. Mason
GScrea..., um, GStreamer 0.0.9 released,
Erik Walthinsen
Mail converted by MHonArc