Glade-- 0.5.3 available

Welcome to the new world of a deeply restructured glade--!

Glade-- is a converter to generate C++/Gtk-- source code out of a glade

Compared to 0.2.x glade-- now features
- method inheritance on writers (via virtual functions) !
- much less code duplication in writers
- cleaner code in writers
- indentation style has been seperated into an own class (SourceWriter)
  to make it possible for different indentation styles !
- many widgets have been added
- replaced the interweaved include file processing with a cleaner scheme
- callbacks are connected inside autogenerated files, no user action
  required !
- user customizable widgets/class depth !
- user customizable widgets/file depth !
- easy to use access macros for public widgets
- pre gtkmm-1.0 support has been dropped
- glademm recognizes (tries to) glade's project options (source path
  so unless you want do disable autoconf there's no need to call glademm


Still lacking (really minor issues now)
- some widgets' attrites are not set, yet
- real pixmap support (coming soon)
- gnome widgets (coming soon)
- thorough testing by many users ;-)

The new Version of the glade (Gtk GUI builder) to C++ converter is
available at
and at your favorite gnomecvs mirror.

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