2009-January Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[xml] Parsing multiple documents with SAX - event handlers not triggered for subsequent docs,
Rachael Churchill
[xml] Problem with white space characters in attributes?,
sende . mir . post
[xml] Possible bug with xmlBufferPtr object?,
Gilles Roy
[xml] Identifying the source file for an xi inclusion,
Marc Munro
[xml] predefined entity question.,
George Neill
[xml] xml prologue output,
raymond durand
[xml] FYI: Fedora now has Windows cross-compiled mingw32-libxml2 package,
Richard W.M. Jones
[xml] XmlSaveToBuffer - how to use it to save an XmlDoc out to a buffer?,
Mary Albanese
[xml] xmlDocDump file corruption,
d h
[xml] Obama -- The Judas Goat,
Lawrence Auster
[xml] [PATCH] xmlIndentTreeOutput and xmlKeepBlanksDefault(),
Nick Wellnhofer
[xml] XML Schema Complex Type Sequence Incorrectly Ordered,
Wayne Milsted
[xml] Predefined Entities Reference problem in SAX parsing,
Rabi Narayan Sahoo
Re: [xml] xml Digest, Vol 57, Issue 16,
[xml] Release of libxml2-2.7.3,
Daniel Veillard
[xml] xmlNanoHTTPFetch and gzip,
R. Steven Rainwater
[xml] encoding parameter usage for xmlReaderForXXX,
Prashant R
[xml] xmlwriter and LF,
Francesco Gennai
[xml] . vs self::node(),
Joachim Zobel
[xml] Workaround to incorrect UTF8 encoding of HTML transformed to XHTML in xmllint?,
Matt Poff
[xml] Both XML:LibXSLT output method = "text" and d-o-e broken,
[xml] Libxml2 disable-output-escaping ="yes" produces extra new-line ?,
Peter Schlaifer
[xml] Regarding the functions implemented for the Constraints on Particle Restriction,
Bharath Kumar Reddy T
[xml] Windowds 64-bit binaries,
Gelle, Sreenivasulu
[xml] lxml binary for Python 2.6+,
Casey Schroeder
[xml] xmlAddNextSibling, xmlAddPrevSibling, etc. allowing text nodes as siblings without merging them,
jerome pesenti
[xml] windows debug version,
Francesco Argese
[xml] `XMLPUBFUN' does not name a type,
stephane rubino laposte net
[xml] libxml2 and Python 2.6 on WindowsXP,
Bernd Blacha
[xml] Multiple identical id's -> no validation error.,
Matthias Geier
Re: [xml] question about dumping notations from extSubset,
Daniel Veillard
Re: [xml] Patch for xmlAddChild,
Daniel Veillard
Re: [xml] libxml and oasis catalog,
Daniel Veillard
Re: [xml] pre 2.7 sax behavior,
Daniel Veillard
Re: [xml] Possible to get XHTML output from HTMLparser?,
Daniel Veillard
Re: [xml] XML validation,
Daniel Veillard
[xml] libxml and catalog help,
[xml] xmlsoft.org down today for hardware upgrade,
Daniel Veillard
[xml] Xml writer - declaring multiple namespaces.,
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