Re: [orca-list] keys in conflict with XUL application keys

Hey Milan:

    WW> I just tried Insert+Control+Space and Control+Insert+Space
    WW> several times on my various keyboards and it worked fine for me.

Ah, I've found that it works only if I press Control+Space _very
quickly_ after pressing the Insert key.  Insert+Space works normally,
there's no hurry to press the Space key.  Strange.  It behaves the same
way even with autorepeat disabled on the Insert and Control keys.
That's good news!  I wish there were a better way for us to handle the 
Orca modifier key.  I would love to be able to do it at the X Window 
System level than mock it the way we are doing it right now.
    WW> As I mentioned below, the Orca user base has requested that we
    WW> not require the user to press the Orca modifier key in
    WW> combination with the given keys.

I probably didn't express myself clearly.  I wanted to say that Orca
could use plain alphanumeric keys, alphanumeric keys with Shift,
anything with the Orca modifier key and additionally a limited and
clearly defined set of other keys (such as some arrow key combinations
etc.).  All these keys would be reserved for Orca, IMHO this should be
enough for the purpose.  Accessible XUL applications and Firefox
extensions would be free and safe to use any other keys from the point
of avoiding possible conflicts with the screen reader key bindings.

I think this might be a reasonable and useful approach, with minimum
work required on all sides (i.e. mostly writing a short document
describing the policy).
Aha!  Gotcha.  This is good.  I just need to make sure you know I do 
feel conflicted, though, about Orca's need to take "ownership" of these 
keys.  From a good community member standpoint, I'd prefer we keep the 
Orca modifier in all of our key combinations.  But, from a usability 
standpoint, our users have requested simplicity and don't want the Orca 
modifier used for these things.  I'm going to generally err on the side 
of what users want.  So...just want to make sure you know I'm not trying 
to be recalcitrant here or give you a hard time. you think a simple page on the Orca WIKI would suffice?  In 
addition, we have a related bug in this space.  
Depending upon the resolution of that bug, things could get more 

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