Re: [orca-list] keys in conflict with XUL application keys

"JD" == Joanmarie Diggs <joanmarie diggs gmail com> writes:

    JD> In the meantime, there are Orca settings you can toggle:
    JD> Orca_Modifier+F12 toggles who is controlling the caret
    JD> (Orca/Gecko). Orca_Modifier+Z toggles whether or not structural
    JD> navigation is to be used. Please remind me: If you toggle both
    JD> of those, does everything work as you expect?

I can't observe any difference after toggling the switches, the dialog
elements are still quiet.  Note this problem isn't related to texts, the
silent elements are buttons (e.g. Quit and Cancel buttons in the quit
confirmation dialog), lists (e.g. file name list in the file selection
dialog) and some other common UI elements.


Milan Zamazal

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