Re: What is the minimum number of lines to update a gui window without user clicking a button

On 08/20/2013 08:51 PM, Gavin Lambert wrote:
Quoth L. D. James:
And, No.  There aren't any significantly open issues.  The code
presented by Alan works perfectly.  It has already been in production
with my clients for over a week without a glitch.
Several people (including myself) have tried to tell you that the code you
have posted here thus far is not at all thread-safe and is very likely to
explode in your face at some point.  That it appears to be working during
your testing is merely coincidental.  (One of the joys of programming with
threads, in any language or framework, is that you have to pay very close
attention to the data interactions -- it's very easy to write something that
appears to work most of the time but will do something very strange in
corner conditions.)

I'm not sure why you seem to be ignoring this.

I would be glad to implement a "gprint()" function to ease the flow for
some of my other programs/C++ scripts/applications that haven't been
implemented with the gui window, as well as some of my future project
and overall understanding and learning.  But as I mentioned, I'm
reserving that development for a future thread.
If you look at the most recent example that Andrew Potter posted, that is
pretty much exactly your desired gprint() method done in an actually
thread-safe manner.

Regarding your other question, about closing the window freezing up the
program: this is because the window cannot be closed while the background
thread is running, and you should not allow it to do so.  If you want to be
able to cancel the background operation, then you have to add in code
specifically to request that the background operation be cancelled (in a
thread safe manner) when the user attempts to close the window, and then
wait for it to actually complete running before closing down.

Gavin, I'm not ignoring any suggestions or comments that are coming from anyone. I'm here asking for help and responding the best and most respectful that I know of. I'm making it clear that I don't understand all the technical terms. I'm posting everything I learn and giving any other details that I can put into words.

I'm not ignoring any code that is given. I'm working with all the code the best that I can. When someone specify something that I should do, but without code examples, I'm making it as clear as I can that I'm stuck.

While I'm stuck and have gaps, I'm letting everyone know at which point I happen to be.

It's my experience that no form wants someone to just post questions and wait for people to give them everything without posting some code of what they are working with.

I posted what I have figure out how to compile, that is a perfect working example of what I'm trying to do. I mentioned that it's working perfectly and the lines are very simple where it's very easy for anyone to quickly compile it and look at it. I was thinking about making a video so that the community could see what I was trying to do.

If I didn't post it and say it was working perfectly I might keep getting questions about more widgets, colors, and other enhancements which, at present, I'm not looking for.

I have given Andrew all the praise I can muster up. I realize he has taken a lot of time to look at my messages and get a good idea of what I'm trying to do. I believe it's working now. When it wasn't I couldn't use it. I could only use the best that I could do.

I hope the group is understanding my humble appreciation and sharing what I'm learning and trying to do.

Thank you very kindly for your input!

I hope I'm being clear that I'm taking everything in the best way I can. I'm an old man and I have gaps, but I'm trying.

-- L. James

L. D. James
ljames apollo3 com

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