Re: What is the minimum number of lines to update a gui window without user clicking a button

You're right about my desire to log text in a gui window.  I don't want a list
box or control widgets in this particular case.  As far as sophisticate widgets,
I don't want any widgets at all.

There might still be a few more technical details which you would like to
consider for your log viewer implementation.

If there's something wrong with my example, I appreciate any comments or
suggestions.  But if someone says it wrong and use programming terms that I
don't fully understand, it's not much I can do with it as far as change and
actually have it continue to perform the desired task (update the gui window
after running a function).

How do you think about a message display in several log windows from one
application in parallel?

How do you keep the graphical user interface responsive during this output?


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