2021-August Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
evolution: String freeze break plea,
Milan Crha
[RFC] Guide for adding new projects on Damned Lies,
Rafael Fontenelle
gnome-software string freeze break approval plea,
Milan Crha
[DL]String additions to 'gnome-software.main',
GNOME Status Pages
Preparing release of GIMP 2.10.26 (stable branch),
Jehan Pagès
[DL]String additions to 'gnome-builder.master',
GNOME Status Pages
[gnome-music] string change,
[DL]String additions to 'gnome-music.master',
GNOME Status Pages
[gnome-terminal] Created branch gnome-41,
Christian Persch
[DL]String additions to 'gnome-connections.master',
GNOME Status Pages
New committer for [Burmese] ([my]),
Zayar Lwin
Adding Health to D-L,
Rasmus Thomsen
[HELP] cannot reach translation team Burmese coordinator,
Zayar Lwin
[gnome-build-meta] Created branch gnome-41,
Abderrahim Kitouni
HELP cannot reach translation team myanmar leader,
[release-notes] Created branch gnome-41,
Link Dupont
libadwaita showing as if there were no translatable strings,
Philipp Kiemle
Small whitespace fix in one string in Maps,
Marcus Lundblad
[eog] (2 commits) Created branch gnome-40,
Felix Riemann
Add "Apps for GNOME" to d-l,
Sophie Herold
New releases for Decoder and Lorem,
Maximiliano Sandoval
Add Lorem to DL,
Maximiliano Sandoval
phosh moves to GNOME World,
Guido Günther
Stepping down as Persian coordinator,
mousavi arash gmail com
Patterns for translations (accessible-name) of a repeating widget in a ListBox,
Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras
Re: Feedback on adding a new language to Gnome,
Ðарт ЛÓыша
Re: Not able to login to the translate project,
Andre Klapper
Mail converted by MHonArc