RE: How to add conduits after recompilation

>> But the memo conduit is still broken. I've removed all memos, the sync still failed.
>> I've re-tried with jpilot, which works fine with memos.
>> Since the problem is identical for both Treos, so I think it's a problem of the conduit, not the data.
>> Remark: the same conduit has worked before, when my data got duplicated.
> Have you tried deleting all memos on the Evolution side as well?

I've tried everything: remove all memos from both side, add some memos, remove the evolution-pilot package then re-install it.

There is a newer version of evolution-pilot (2.23.6-6.4), but it requires newer versions of other packages which are in conflict with quite a lot already installed packages.

Is there a way to get more detailed log from the memo conduit ?


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