Re: [Evolution] Idealism face plants against asphalt [Was: downloads page]

Hi Tom,

On Mon, 2013-08-26 at 20:15 +0100, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
If "users will never compile anything" then why are we expected to do

I'm a user. My choice of Operating System is Linux and my choice of
distribution (or flavour) of Linux happens to be Gentoo.

More often than not, when a package is installed or updated in Gentoo,
its compiled from scratch... Often what is distributed by the Gentoo
Distribution system is very similar to what one may find on a Download
site (ie Source).

Where this gets very useful is for example with BIND (the DNS) software.
Running 'named -V' shows me how BIND was compiled (the options to
"configure". So now I can go to ISC, Download the source of the latest
version of BIND, then  run the "configure" script with the same
configuration the current running version has. After a "make install" -
I have a new Nameserver.
So - I find Download pages very useful. I don't always have to wait for
the Gentoo Distribution gods (the 3rd party mentioned?) to get the
latest version ready for me!

I guess the other thing I like about Gentoo is I get to learn a little
more about what is beneath the bonnet to the point I can better look
after myself.

Remember, (1) download, (2) unpackage (tar -xvzf package.tgz)
(around here - explore what you have just unpacked, read the README's
and other files like INSTALL.... and look for 'configure'.
(3) ./configure (with options), (4) make, (5) make install.

You say that Evo is available from the downloads page.  However, the
only versions available from there need to be compiled in order to be
used.  If users are unable to compile anything then the downloads page
has nothing that can be used by users.  

I really don't follow this logic.

So how are users expected to get the latest versions of Evo?  Just
wait until whichever distro i use happens to upgrade?  You tell me to
write to a 3rd party but then fail to give me an address of someone
that will respond to my request.  It makes no sense to have to write
to a 3rd party in order to get your software.  

These Third Party folk - often unpaid volunteers - like helping. They
are also human If you ask politely, they will often help. You'd need to
find out who the relevant person (or group) is for you. This depends on
your flavour or distribution of Linux and perhaps on what version you
are currently running.
Try using Google. Perhaps your Distribution has a knowledge website?

What is the downloads page for?  It is obviously not for users to
download Evolution for themselves to use so who is it for?
Regards from 
Tom :)  

From: Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam whitemice org>
To: evolution-list gnome org 
Sent: Monday, 26 August 2013, 16:35
Subject: [Evolution] Idealism face plants against asphalt [Was:
downloads page]

<snip />

 Users are not
developers,  users will never compile anything.

most people out there haven't got a clue and find it too scary as a
prospect.  Much easier to download and install a competitor such as
Thunderbird or Claws and miss out on all the amazing things Evo can
that those others can't.  

I install a LINUX distribution, then I install Evolution from there.

<snip />

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