Re: [Evolution] Idealism face plants against asphalt [Was: downloads page]

On Mon, 2013-08-26 at 20:54 +0100, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
So when i want to use Evolution i need to reboot the machine into a
different distro?

No. If you read what was written, this was only a recommendation "_If_
you can't talk to the team of your distro".
I guess the intention was more of a "If you use a distribution which
ships old packages, and you want recent packages, then maybe consider a
different distribution. Or compile yourself. There's enough options."

  I guess i might be able to use a virtual machine right?  

Yes, distributions & operating systems can be run in virtual machines.

Do you have a list of distros i can use Evolution on?  

Any distribution which provides precompiled Evolution packages to you.
Which should be any relevant distribution nowadays. (But that's already
been written a few times on this mailing list.)

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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