Re: [Evolution] db3

Or hack evolution's configure script to not give a damn about the
version of db3 you have.  Of course, if this ever breaks on you then
you'd know who to blame ;-)
So, today I built evo using this evo-db3 you pointed me to. First of
all, I found some minor problems with .spec file (I was able to fix them
in a minute, so no real bother). Then I built evo - and found my
Contacts in a pretty good shape (which I did not have with 3.2.9-based
evo). So, my little ergo:
Commenting out all these checks for 3.1.17 allows to build evo with any
version of db3 _but_ the system _works_ with 3.1.17 only (it's for me,
your mileage may vary:). With 3.2.9 the addressbook in not functioning
properly (neither readable nor writable). I am not sure this is the bug
I should report into bugzilla, so I just can complain here:) So since
Ximian does not officially support anything but 3.1.17 - does this mean
I cannot expect any help with 3.2.9?



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