Re: [Banshee-List] Re move the video portion of Banshee?

Whats counter productive is continuing on in this conversation..
All the relevant points have been made, so there is no need for petty

comomolo wrote:
> Wouter Bolsterlee wrote:
>> No, but neither is your attitude in this thread. Very counterproductive.
> How exactly? Where are my insults and despise for others?
> Wouter Bolsterlee wrote:
>>> [...] I'll probably finally be forced to leave and I am very sorry for
>>> that. It was a nice design.
>> If the attitude you've shown in this thread is indeed the way you want to
>> participate in OSS development, I doubt your contributions will be
>> appreciated at all. You have raised some valid points (those are more
>> than
>> welcome, don't get me wrong), and people have suggested filing
>> enhancement
>> requests for the issues you mentioned. You failed to do that and
>> continued
>> ranting instead. Not very tactful. Not very sweet.
> Again: where's the rant? Where the lack of tact? 
> If "OSS development" is so picky about criticism then no, I don't really
> want to participate. All I've said is that I don't want a swiss-knife
> tool, that I find it a poor design model and if it's definitely settling
> as the Banshee's design model I'll look for another tool, which is only
> logical.
> I think the point is made and there's no real need for further discussion,
> but let me insist: it *was* a great design.

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