Re: [Banshee-List] Re move the video portion of Banshee?

Alex Launi wrote:
>>Could you be more specific? What don't you like about it, give specific
>>examples and constructive criticism and maybe your concerns will be
>>addressed in a future release.
> 1- Banshee's design screams "I'm an audio library manager" all over the
> place. That's quite right. It's when you add an uncalled for video library
> that things start going wrong.
> 2- Open the preferences dialog. You will find settings for all audio
> related things. None for video... as expected for a music library manager.
> 3- Scan all the menu entries and try to find video-related ones. There's
> none. Why? This is a music library manager, which is quite OK until you
> put a video section there that looks completely out of place.
> I'm just stating the obvious. There's nothing I really would do to improve
> Banshee's video section except removing it, because I think Banshee has
> been designed to be a music library manager, and that's where it shines.
> If you really really really want to turn Banshee from a music library
> manager into a media library manager, then redesign it accordingly... from
> the start. Rethink the whole thing and get a proper design for general
> media. Just putting there a video section because Gstreamer will handle
> that media, has little to do with that and makes it an ugly and wrong
> decision.
> Now, really, I don't want to get involved in Banshee's design. I'm only
> saying all this because you asked. All I need is to get rid of those lines
> of code that put that video thingy in the middle of my music collection,
> or if the devs are so gentle, a switch that will hide it somehow (command
> line options, preferences switch, anything).
> Regards,
> sicofante
> -- 
> --Alex Launi
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